Deadline Issues

<p>Apologies if some of you out there in our prospect pool got an e-mail early today that implied that December 15 was the final deadline at Richmond. December 15 was only the deadline only for those that wished to be considered for the Richmond Scholars program. Others may apply until January 15, which is the regular decision deadline. (And while the Richmond Scholars deadline is earlier on the calendar, it is not an "early" program for those who are curious--students applying by this deadline have promised us nothing as far as their intention to enroll.) </p>

<p>The e-mail should have reminded everyone that they still have time to apply by January 15. </p>

<p>Sorry again if we confused anyone. Let us know your questions any time--either here or by calling us at the office, or through our web site at University</a> of Richmond. </p>

<p>UR Admissions</p>

<p>I should also add that if you are among the unlucky folks in the NE US who are still digging out from under that massive storm and missed the deadline as a result of losing power for the weekend, please call us and we’ll try to work with you. If something is out of your control, we don’t want you to be penalized.</p>

<p>Thanks for the notification, UR. </p>

<p>When I first received the email, I thought it meant that my application hadn’t been received on time, even though I sent it well before the deadline. Then, I scrolled down to the “P.S. Ignore this email if you’ve already sent the app” and stopped panicking.</p>

<p>I applied last week and I got an acknowledgement of application email a few days later. Does Richmond have an online status check? I just want to make sure all of my materials were received in time for the scholars deadline.</p>

<p>As I understand, Richmond is supposed to email you a link to the credentials status check in the days following the receipt of your app. UR Admissions can correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>The acknowledgment process is described fully in the Admissions blog on UR’s website.</p>

<p>Hey UR Admissions …
Does the deadline mean I have to hand everything in?
I’m still missiong one recommandation, I think the teacher forgot.
Am I still able to be considered?</p>

<p>More on deadlines, on-line status checks, international credentials:</p>

<p>I’m glad I posted this–obviously this issue is on the forefront of many minds out there! Here is the link to the blog post that explains how the online status check works. </p>

<p>[Don’t</a> freak out - we’ve got it under control](<a href=“]Don’t”> </p>

<p>With international candidates, things do take a little bit longer. With domestic students, our staff are well trained to look at a high school transcript and know that it has what we need. International credentials are another matter all together, so an admission officer has to open every one of your files and look at the transcript to be certain that it has everything we need. Only then can we post on the Banner web status check that it is here. This inevitably adds processing time–remember that this admission officer is also working on reading files and other tasks, so we can’t stop everything for every envelope that comes in the mail. The volume is high and right now we’re in a bit of a bottleneck situation. If you know that your transcript and etc. were in the same envelope with everything else, don’t worry. It didn’t get separated along the way. It is just in the long line of files to be reviewed by an admission officer for completeness. I know that in this technological world you expect things to be instant, but this is a high touch process, so your patience is deeply appreciated. </p>

<p>So long as YOUR application itself was submitted on time, even if some credentials arrive later (a teacher rec, or test results from a December test administration, your transcript etc.) you will still be considered to have met the deadline for scholars consideration. Now, if none of those materials get here after we’ve finished reading the scholar pool (early January), you could find that we didn’t get to review you. So, yes, you should be vigilant to check Banner Web now and then to be sure they arrived and follow up with whomever was to send the documents if they don’t appear before too long, but we will try hard to work with everyone whose app was in the hopper by the 15th. It also takes us several days to download all the apps because the volume is very high, so we haven’t even gotten to applications that were submitted on the 15th yet. </p>

<p>We tend to be generous with looking at deadlines as an operating philosophy to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, so I hope that will help you all relax a little bit! (But even though we are generous, that doesn’t mean you should push your luck, OK? So do whatever you can to get stuff to us by January 5-ish. Know that our office is mostly closed over the holidays, so there will be a very large back-log of mail and it will take some time to post it all, and then to get it all filed so it can be reviewed once we arrive back). </p>

<p>Happy holidays to all!</p>

<p>P.S. to White Wind–</p>

<p>Thank you for reading the whole message! We’re counting on you to do that and I’m glad that you were able to relax once you saw that piece. We’d love to be able to suppress e-mails of that sort the instant you have submitted your app, but again, there are lots of computers talking to each other around here, and there are processes that take time.</p>

<p>Thanks for clearing everything up, UR Admissions. I’m sure you’ve eased many minds with your post.</p>

<p>sorry to hijack this thread, but I submitted my commonapp over a week ago, and I still haven’t received a confirmation email from richmond, although on commonapp it says it has been downloaded the day I submitted it. Is this normal?</p>

<p>Today we were downloading applications a full week behind the day they were submitted (Dec. 15). They are acknowledged by Common Application upon their submission (so you should have heard from them) and then acknowledged by us once we pull them down from Common App, so thanks for your patience. They are considered to have made the deadline based on their submission date.</p>

<p>Okay. Thank you for your answer.</p>

<p>What if I’m not using the common app?</p>

<p>yes, the same is true with our web application although it doesn’t have that same feature as common app that will show you your submission date. But you should know when you submitted it.</p>

<p>sorry, but was the supplement due on the dec 15 too? because on the downloadable supplements to the common apps, it said richmond scholars should put their main apps by dec 15 but supplements by jan 2nd</p>

<p>if that information is wrong, well, do I get “screwed over” for following the directions on that page?</p>


<p>We don’t set out to “screw over” anyone. The supplement is due on January 2, even for those in consideration for Richmond Scholars. Those who did not yet have supplements in haven’t been read yet, but once the supplements come in, they will be among the first in line to be read so that we can consider them for scholars. There were some who did submit the supplement along with the application and we were able to work through those first. But they will all get read in due time and if the main part of your application was in on 12/15, we’ll get it read in time for consideration for scholars so long as the remaining parts also get in by early January.</p>