<p>Hi eveyone.
I hope You all are not as cold and overloaded as i am (9 supplements) + the commonapp essay.
I know everyone is busy right now, But i live in the middle of no where and the onlyone i can ask from is the internet.
So, i am applying for fee waivers by mail. I did not submit my supps or the commonapp until now.
is it ok to submit the supps and application online and send the fee waivers by mail after that.</p>
<p>Yes, you can do that, depending on the school–when you click submit, in many cases it will go thru and you will click that you are sending a waiver in the mail. In some cases you need a code ## to use a waiver, which is available from the indiv. colleges themselves–and if that is the case, and no one is available on the phone to give it to you…welcome to the adult world, and let that be a lesson about deadlines. Check out some big city sometime on 15 April when there are lines of grown ups mailing in their taxes at the main post office, so that they are postmarked 15 April. 30 minute backed up traffic lines in Chicago back in the 80s.</p>
<p>Yes that’s fine, just let the respective colleges know what happened.</p>
thankyou jcancollegebound</p>