<p>The response of "you're going to die" could be a very plausible--although, perhaps, not a logical--reason for not wanting to join the military. Some people die while in the military. Your friend is afraid of dying while in the military. Your friend may be cowardly or he/she may be logical. Being afraid of dying in the military does not equate to being negative about the military. Granted, this analysis does not take into account the context of how or why the comment was directed to you; only you can evaluate this.</p>
<p>One last comment, then I will return to my corner.
We live in a hypocritical world. It is in the nature of man to be hypocrtical. [We fight religous zealots but many want to elect a religous man as President. We want democaracy to flourish in the world but undermine certain democractically elected governments that do not comport with the U.S.'s notion of how things should be. We are against handouts as long as we are not the beneficiary of such handouts.] Pointing out the logical failures of the comments being made herein is not the same as being negative towards any one individual.</p>
<p>GC. Re-reading my post. There was very little negativity directed to you. A great deal of the post, however, was negative towards the Republican AND Democratic parties. If I am accused of being partisan, which I am not, then you should probably accuse me of being apartisan. You said it best: this country is divided by partisanship. Unfortunately, that characterization was improperly applied to my comments. You might want to examine who has claimed, in this thread, a partisan mantle and who has not.</p>
<p>I actually disagree, what job does anyone say you are might die? Do you say it to police officers, firefighters, bank tellers airline pilots, etc? All of the jobs have high risks, but would someone verbalize their fear of death. I have had friends who ask me aren't you afraid Bullet will die? My answer has always been, I believe the day you are born, G*d knows the day you will die, and I can lock him in a closet, but he still is going to die! It's called faith and fate. I also respond that people driving everyday on a highway to and from work have a higher risk, yet I never ask them are you afraid? It is offensive to me that my DH is protecting their liberties and freedoms, but yet they have some warped need to put that in my brain...as if I don't think about it everytime his jet takes off and every deployment? To those people who ask you that question, just say I am willing to die for you and I am okay with that! And then smile and take pride in the fact that you are a hero, because of the fact that you make sure they have the right to ask the question.</p>
<p>to start.... use the word "quote" ... but you have to put the word qoute inbetween [ ]
to end... use "/quote" but you have to use the / to indicate "end" and the word quote, and you have to put brackets [ ] around the /quote at the end of what you are quoting!</p>
<p>try again!!! practice makes perfect!!!</p>
<p>{quote} now insert your message here, and when you are done, use {/quote}
except you have to use [ ] instead of { } aound the quote and /quote</p>
[nah, knew it all along!!! ]</p>
<p>Let's see</p>
<p>Okay nope...I hate this
<p>you almost have it...
but u acutally have to type in the WORD "quote"...... NOT the quote you are quoting!!!!</p>
<p>and at the end of what you are quoting, you have to repeat with /quote incased in the brackets again [ ] </p>
<p>{quote} anything i type in between the words quote and /quote will be in the box, so when i am done with what i have to say i type in {/quote}<br>
only instead of using the uppercase { } I have to use the lowercase [ ] around the words QUOTE and /QUOTE</p>
<p>so it's: (now remember, i am using { } right now instead of [ ] so u can see what i am doing!!!)</p>
<p>{quote} here is my message again and now i am done {/quote}
[ ] insert QUOTE into that one, and /QUOTE into this one [ ]</p>
<p>whew!!!!!!!! For a minute there I thought I was losing my touch! :cool:</p>
<p>for the bold..... </p>
<p>just type in the letter b between the brackets [ ] **at the start of what u want to **bold
then type in /b in another set of **[ ] **when u are done with your bolding</p>
<p>diddo for italics and underlining....only u substitute "I" or "U" for the "B"</p>
<p>hey bill- you getting all this?????</p>
<p>TGIF FOLKS!!!!!
TORPEDO TURNED 21!!!! My BABY!!!! :o</p>
<p>for the OP, my favorite memory of negativity (SP?) was when at my Best friends house her brother in law asked her DH if he was okay with killing innocent people? BTW that was over Thanksgiving dinner, and my DH was also there, so the 4 of us had to lift our jaws off the floor. As you can see even family members will have no problem telling you what they think</p>
I actually disagree, what job does anyone say you are might die?
<p>My father was a policeman and, yes, people used to ask me all the time: 'Aren't you afraid he might die?" I don't think they meant it as disrespect.
I was also in law enforcment w/ the federal government and I was frequently asked about whether I was afraid of dying. Again, I don't think people meant disrespect.</p>
<p>But, that is my point, the question fails on its face aas an attack on the Academies [the original point of the thread]: You're gonna die.
Yes, but we are all "gonna" die.
Now was it "You're gonna DIE!!!!!!" Again, yes, we are all going to die. Just not yet. Now, it was not phrased as killing innocent people as in your example, which is, directly, a more inflammatory phrasing. But, the statement of "you're gonna die" is not, by itself, an attack on the military.
Now, I am not--and none of us are--the beneficiary of the context in which the question was asked. BUT, we are speaking of kids here.<br>
I just point that out to make the point that just because expresses a fear towards one who is going into the military does not make that person "negative" about the military.</p>
<p>so . . .does the [q] work [/q] in trying to enter the box? Guess not.</p>
<p>nah, you guys are just giving me a good excuse to have a glass of merlot!!! (did you know that a glass of red wine is the best thing you can do for your heart??!!! that and an aspirin a day!!!)</p>
<p>now.... if they would only let us post some pictures on here we would have it made!!!!!! ;)</p>
<p>[q].... nah... they make you type out the whole thing!</p>
<p>but you can highlight by putting that word inbetween the [ ] at the start and at the / ;)</p>
<p>At the end of the day, there is no accounting for ignorance, rudeness, and general disregard for others.
This country, unfortunately, does not seem to want for the above.</p>