Dean J - Appreciate the great advice but what we really want are more CavDog pictures

<p>What a great puppy! Are there more photos on line?</p>

<p>Ask and you shall receive. </p>

<p>Give me a little bit. It's crunch time.</p>

<p>Agreed. It's pretty much the only reason I read her blog, and gives me the sole reason to go home: play with my own mutt :) oh, and food. and mom-hugs. and normal sleep?
Dean J's New Plan:
1. crank through all those applications of all those kids who think UVA is amazing, but really, have no idea yet =P
2a. go home, play with CavDog (stress relief!)
2b. keep camera nearby
3. in the middle of #1, make excuses of having to do something vital, but just run off and hide in a dark corner uploading CavDog pictures.</p>

<p>On a side note, do you ever bring him with you to the office? And is his name really CavDog? (pretty baller if it should outfit him with UVA collar/leash)</p>

<p>His real name is not CavDog, but it had a nice ring to it and went well with CavBear.</p>

<p>He comes to the office for quick visits once in a'll understand why in the coming days if you keep up with the blog.</p>

<p>Dean J, I already know why he comes for those quick we all know the application process for both the admissions officers and the applicants is a long and stressful process....when the admission committee at UVA has a tough decision to make, they simply put the applications on a table and let CavDog decide with his paws....;)</p>

<p>I wish I had pics of my golden to post here to show up Dean J!</p>

I wish I had pics of my golden to post


<p>Dog picture thread is a great idea. Good way to pass the time and relieve the stress of waiting.</p>