Dean's List?

<p>Mom2ck: That is terrific, what a celebration you must be having!! Congrats to all of you :)</p>

<p>Idinct: ONLY transferred college grades post in the transcript. AP courses post as pass/fail.</p>

<p>M2CK, what great holiday gifts, but I hope that when S1 graduates you will not limit your time here with us by half. Those of us with juniors have not even applied yet! Even though I am trying to bank away all of this year’s threads, I am sure that I will panic next year more than once and need your advice!</p>

how long did it take your S to finish all premed requirements. I think he is a sophomore, right? That would mean 3 semesters, wow. My S is thinking about it, but those premed requirements are likely to negatively impact his gpa, especially the calculus.</p>

<p>Can someone please remind me how they are transferring in grades again? Not for APs right. Is it just for any actual college level courses? *</p>

<p>Yes…S2 is a sophomore…but he has senior standing because of AP and foreign language credits. </p>

<p>He let his AP credits count for Bio I and II, and Chem I and II, but then took higher level courses to satisfy med schools (Cell Biology, BioChem, Genetics, etc.) </p>

<p>He’s a Chemical Engineering major, so he’ll have many more classes that will also back up his sciences.</p>

<p>He took OChem I, Physics I and II, and Cal II and III last year, and took OChem II this semester. Cal III is NOT required for pre-med, but he needed it for his major…he’s also minoring in Math and Biology. I don’t think Cal II is needed for many med schools, either. </p>

<p>Hopefully, he’ll have all of his hard classes completed by the end of junior year. We’ve learned to keep fall of senior year “light” because of med school interviews and missing class days. He could take some hard courses his last semester, but he may have major senioritis by then. LOL (I sure would!!!) </p>

<p>AP credits don’t count towards GPA. They just get recorded as Passed. I don’t know how dual credits grades get counted into GPA since my kids didn’t have any dual credits.</p>

<p>If your son is worried that Calculus will hurt his GPA, then I recommend that he audit Calculus at a community college this summer. Then when he takes it “for real” at Bama, he’ll get an easy A.</p>

<p>BTW…(and this is for all students)…don’t be afraid to go to the free tutoring that Bama offers at the Center for Teaching and Learning. Don’t wait til you’re behind. My kids tell me that some of the kids that they tutor are strong students who just want to get that reinforcement to guarantee an A. </p>

<p>Malanai…thanks for the info about why transcripts say “Dean’s List” even when the student is on President’s List.</p>

<p>i can confirm that dual credit grades transfer in. </p>

<p>D came in with 15 hours of graded classwork.</p>

<p>Thanks for the explanation of President’s List/Dean’s List on the transcript, Malanai. We were wondering about that on son’s transcript.</p>

<p>^^^You’re welcome. We were wondering the same. :)</p>

<p>way to go Mike Wozowski’s D!!!</p>