Dean's List

The Dean’s List for Fall 2014 is out so I thought I’d post the link for anyone who hasn’t seen it. I know many of us will have kids included there. Congratulations to all.

This is always a neat way for prospective students to see some of who attends UA from your area/state.

A great showing from The Land of Lincoln - 96 Presidents List students and 175 Deans List students, for a total of 271 from Illinois. Congratulations to all!

Spring 2015 list is out:
Well done, students! :wink:

Congratulations to all the students!!

The Fall 2015 Dean’s List is posted here:

There are 107 pages to this monster…10,624 entries * whew* (which is ~1 in every 3 undergrad students enrolled?). AL students take up the first 48 pages. I highly suggest using the ‘search’ box to find your student, or to find who all represents from your town or state. This is particularly helpful for prospective students to see who is already achieving great things at UA. I found 33 students from my town alone on here. (Howdy, neighbours!) This list does not include graduate students - only undergrads.

A belated, ‘Well done, Students!’ to you all. =D>