<p>On a more serious note, are there any good econ classes to take if I’m just interested in Econ and not planning to major in it or anything? </p>
<p>I guess I’m looking for something like the Chem 83 equivalent of econ…</p>
<p>On a more serious note, are there any good econ classes to take if I’m just interested in Econ and not planning to major in it or anything? </p>
<p>I guess I’m looking for something like the Chem 83 equivalent of econ…</p>
<p>optic fomarina- I heard a course called “History of American Business” or sth like that is a really good class with lots of interesting case studies… and I think you only need Econ 55 credit for that too…</p>
<p>Oh, actually I was thinking more along the lines of a course for people who don’t know anything about Econ at all…</p>
<p>oh…well the only class then will be Econ 51, which is far from what a non-major would call a “good” class…</p>
<p>You can take Financial Accounting (182), although it’s currently full and usually remains that way, with a pretty long waitlist. No prereqs. If you do the homework it’s totally fine. (and I’m an Art History major who got like, a C in Econ 1 (back in the day…), so the subject is clearly not my forte). Try to take it with Skender!</p>
<p>oh yea i missed that class… and I think Skender is the only one teaching that class… I’m thinking of taking that sometime my sophomore year… can you tell me more about it, loveduke22?</p>
<p>^ Just don’t destroy the curve. </p>
<p>I looked into Econ 182 and it shows that there are 44 waitlisted students, lol. But I’ll definitely try to take it next year when I’ll be higher up on the class registration totem pole.</p>
<p>So has Duke released this year’s Dean’s List yet?</p>
<p>Well, I don’t believe it counts towards the econ major, but it’s basically, IMHO, a “useful” QS. Pretty basic stuff, don’t need to know much about accounting, but you basically just learn alot of terms, do things like balance sheets, some mathy things here and there which aren’t entirely hard. A pretty useful class for learning something about keeping track of money. </p>
<p>Skender is funny too, and like I said if you do the homework you basically just apply those concepts on the tests and will do well. Only drawback is it’s always at 8:30. Boo.</p>
<p>But yeah, taking it sophomore year might not happen. That 44 person waitlist has been around since, I think the tail end of the juniors registering (only of my friends said it was nearly full after she finished registering, and she’s a senior0, so your best bet is prob 2nd semester junior year or senior year.</p>
<p>Dean’s list really doesn’t vary much, just look at the registrar.</p>
<p>[Academic</a> Honors - Office of the University Registrar, Duke University](<a href=“http://registrar.duke.edu/registrar/studentpages/student/academichonors.html]Academic”>http://registrar.duke.edu/registrar/studentpages/student/academichonors.html)</p>
<p>You will most likely need a 3.925 for distinction and a 3.675 for dean’s list. If you make it you will get an email and it will show up on your ACES. Personally I don’t think Dean’s list really has much benefit, but good luck!</p>
<p>If you are in Pratt, things are a little different just because it varies more. We started with 300 kids in my class and are down to 252. As other students drop, the cutoffs for dean’s list move up.</p>
<p>in that case I guess I would have to wait until Junior year to take that class T-T…</p>
<p>i have a 3.7 exactly so I’m right on the border</p>
<p>Have they sent anyone notice about the dean’s list yet? I made higher than the cutoff they have posted on the registrar’s website for fall '08, but I haven’t been notified about the list. It is semester gpa and not cumulative, right?</p>
<p>Yeah, I got above the cutoff too and they didn’t send anything :(</p>
<p>It usually takes a few weeks to get letters in the mail, if I remember correctly…</p>
<p>It should show up on ACES somewhere by now…I would venture to guess it’s under academic history or something of the sort.</p>
<p>Nvm, I (I mean my parents) just got my dean’s list letter today.</p>
<p>Hmm I got a 3.77 and have not received an email and my parents havent received a letter. i also cant find anywhere on ACES that says I made the dean’s list. anyone?</p>
<p>Under ACES > My Academics > Academic History it should have a list of all the terms you’ve completed at Duke along with the courses taken each term and their grades. Just below the term year, it should say whether you achieved Dean’s List for that term. It has already been entered for Fall 2008.</p>
<p>Does Dean’s List reflect your cumulative GPA, or just your GPA from that semester?</p>