Dean's Scholar program vs. Baruch Scholars program

<p>I applied to Baruch as my first choice for Macaulay and today I got the regular admissions acceptance email.
In addition to the 1st email, I got another inviting me to apply to the Dean’s Scholar program. The benefits described in the email seem to be similar to Macaulay but with a reduced travel grant. When I tried searching for more info on the program, the best I could find was a page that listed the various honors programs at Baruch but gave no additional details about them and a page about the Baruch Scholars program.</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

<p>It seems as though there are two separate Scholars programs, however I cannot find a page for the Dean’s Scholar program comparable to the Baruch Scholars page. Since they seem to give the same benefits, I would assume the differences to be a matter of required courses, but I cannot find any information on this. </p>

<p>Could anyone help clarify this confusion? </p>

<p>Also, is this program only for if you get rejected from Macaulay or can the two go together? (Obviously you can’t get more than a full tuition scholarship, but for example, can you take both the special Macaulay courses as well as the special Baruch courses?) </p>

Sorry, I don’t know exactly but my question is do you know when Dean Scholars comes out with acceptances/rejections?

The Dean’s Scholar program pays for school and provides a Macbook Air laptop as recruiting tools, but isn’t part of the Baruch honors program. There is no requirement for 10 honors courses to be taken and the GPA requirement for maintaining the scholarship is set at a lower 3.2… A standard Baruch diploma is given. There are other options for honors programs for Baruch students who achieve a high GPA with the right courses once enrolled.