Debate question

<p>My daughter has been eagerly looking forward to being in debate for the last two years. Her school allowed her in the program as one of two freshman, and we were thrilled. The first day of class she found out the teacher had been changed, and she now has someone who knows absolutely nothing about debate. She was hoping to possibly earn a scholarship in debate, but knows she will not perform well without a good coach. Is this something she can learn on her own, and if so, where do we look for the material?</p>

<p>Any suggestions would be appreciated.</p>

<p>What kind of debate is she doing (Policy, LD, PF)?</p>

<p>I don't think there are any "debate scholarships", btw...</p>

<p>She is doing LD. In Texas they offer UIL scholarships for debate.</p>


A friend of my son's got a debate scholarship to a local four year college where we live.</p>

<p>My son was a legendery high school debater. Was first in the "worlds" in 3 categories. This gained him no scholarships at all.
That said a good coach is indeed very important and helpful. At this point the best way for her to learn would be to compete in as many tournaments as possible. Experience is always a good teacher. Is she just doing debate or also "public speaking" (impromptu, after dinner, persuasive speaking, interpretive reading)?</p>

<p>She is only doing LD through the school. The school only offers LD and CX. Through 4-H she has competed in the Illustrated Talk category, which is a speech combined with visual aids. She has done that for three years and will continue through high school.</p>

<p>Lincoln-Douglas Debate: Values in Conflict
by Jeffrey Wiese, Stan Lewis</p>

<p>This book might be useful for her. I also agree that she should compete in as many tournaments as possible.</p>

<p>If she likes debate, she should look into doing a debate camp next summer.</p>

<p>Leaving the scholarship issue aside, I would encourage her to continue on the debate team. Debate was one of the best social experiences my son had in HS. At his school it was very social (pizza served at the weekly meetings) and he made good friends at many other schools throughout New England and the world.</p>

<p>Your daughter should continue with debate. If this is comething she is passionate about, she'll have to seek support outside of the coach.I agree experience is a great teacher.</p>

<p>My daughter was also a nationally ranked in policy and LD. Also, NO scholarships :(</p>

<p>This year's NFL LD topic: " A just government should provide health care to all it's citizens" is an amazing topic. Your daughter will have great fun.</p>

<p>Check the National Forensics League webpage, they often have resources for students. Also,she should approach her English teacher or Speech instructor for help writing her cases. Hopefully your school belongs to the NFL.. </p>

<p>Experienced upperclassman will see her talent and the fun begins.</p>

<p>At our HS debate is student-taught. There is an adult coach in charge of the team, but ALL the teaching is done by the students that are elected to teach their events each year. Our team is by far the strongest in the region.</p>