Debating transferring to Baruch. Thoughts?

<p>Im a sophomore at SUNY Cortland. I’m a math major but I want to go into either actuarial sciences or law, neither of which are offered here. Baruch has an actuarial sciences major, and a law minor which academically are awesome for me. Im nervous about the social scene though. From what Ive been seeing online it seems that they don’t have the greatest social scene? And that making friends is difficult? Part of the reason I’m unhappy here at Cstate is because it’s not a diverse school at all, and for the most part its people who aren’t very smart just looking to get drunk. I’m kind of sick of it and want to meet people who are more at my level maturity wise, mentally, and just aren’t as small minded and judgy.
Another thing that appealed to me was that theres clubs for Muslim and Pakistani kids (I’m both), and here the school is predominantly white.
So what are people’s thoughts as far as making friends at Baruch? Especially as a transfer? I would definitely try and get involved and put effort in, but I’d like to know how difficult it really is.

<p>Hi I just got into Baruch 2014 spring class. I would tell you some facts I learned when I went to the campus tour. It’s undeniable that making friends in Baruch is kinda difficult especially for transfer students. However, in the bright side, its more like a working- studying school, you can learn a lot of practical skills and there are also a lot of intership opportunities here. For the law thing you mentioned, baruch has pre-law program, which provides resources for students and they help students get into stanford, university of pennsylvania, NYU law programs(it on their brochure) I definitely recommend Baruch. They also have a lot of resources in the library. They also have transfer student association, which will help you to make new friends. Also baruch is a really diverse community.</p>