<p>how was it for you guys?
i thought the questions were far more straightfoward than the practice test...but the calculations...hmmm</p>
<p>i thought it was HARD!
hate T/F!</p>
<p>T/F sucked. I almost ran out of time somehow…what was the last balancing equations question? I kind of skipped it…and then guessed. =(</p>
<p>Chemistry was okay…but I agree that T/F sucked :(</p>
<p>the end set of the classification Q’s made no sense to me…hows the curve going to be?</p>
<p>i might cancel this score</p>
<p>I also had a major problem with time… I left about 10 blank </p>
<p>I can’t cancel the scores though. Who knows, maybe the curve will be nice.</p>
<p>^^ why can’t you cancel?</p>
<p>I thought it was fine. Definitely more broad and conceptual than I thought it’d be. I don’t remember having to do too many calculations – there definitely weren’t any I couldn’t do in my head. It was a pleasant surprise that they provided the molar masses of compounds. </p>
<p>I left one blank, but there were ~10 that I wasn’t sure of, and I’m allowing for a potential of ~10 dumb mistakes, so I’m not counting on a super high score.</p>
<p>it was interesting. stupid separation ones.</p>
<p>can we start talking about questions.</p>
<p>how many ces did you guys get</p>
<p>actually…i got around 7 CEs…but about 5 of them were in a row.</p>
<p>i hate TF</p>
<p>i was expecting more rate reaction, solubility, equilibrium than organic chemistry…</p>
<p>True or False as actually very difficult…wasn’t there a solubility prob somewhere?</p>
<p>what was the answer to the last question with the CES…sumthing about if hydrogen would be faster than oxygen at 25 celcius.</p>
<p>FT. Same avg. KE because temperature dictates this. Different average velocities because O2 is much more massive than Hydrogen gas.</p>
<p>I only got a couple of CE’s… strangely I felt the T/F was easier than a couple other questions.</p>
<p>we can talk now?</p>
<p>also…do top colleges care how many times u take a subject Test</p>
<p>I can’t cancel the score because I need it to apply to Georgetown (which requires 3 subject tests). Grrrrr… oh well.</p>
<p>I also got quite a few CE’s, and like someone else mentioned, a lot of them were in a row. </p>
<p>Does anybody have a clue as to what 10 blanks and 5 (estimated) wrong answers would come out to?</p>
<p>10 blank and 5 wrong would probably be like 710-740.</p>
<p>I thought the test wasn’t too bad at all. But I also spent the last 3 days studying lol. I got 5 CEs? Yeah the calculations were a pain in the ass; doing like 15 different ones throughout the test sucked…especially after Math 2.
What was the oxidation state of Rb?
And for the salt water…it was evaporation, right?</p>
<p>Wait… was it asking for the oxidation state of Rb or Br in RbBrO3? I thought Br which would be +5. Rb was +1.</p>
<p>And yes on the salt water one.</p>
<p>**** yeah I meant Br…I knew it was an element with the letters R and B in it but didn’t remember which haha.</p>
<p>Phew. Got scared there. Yea that was +5 because O is -2 always except for peroxides and some other strange ions and Rb is charged +1 so that’s its oxidation state so Br needed to be + 5 to make the compound neutral.</p>