December 2008 Score Prediction Thread

<p>What do people think they got? </p>

<p>I'm going to say</p>

<p>M: 750-800 (no mistakes so far, but I'll allow for 1-2)
CR: 800 (possibly 1 mistake, almost certain I aced)
W: 770-800 (1 error, here's hoping my essay with incomplete concluding sentence gets 11-12)</p>

<p>Composite: 2320 - 2400</p>

<p>I think</p>

<p>M: 780
CR: 780-800

<p>Though I’m been a tad bit generous on myself</p>

<p>2 W- Math
4W 1 O- CR
9 Essay/5W- W</p>

<p>Would that be… 750-60/ 730-40 / 670 respectively?</p>

<p>M: 740-780 (Depends on which one is experimental…)
CR: 690-770 (Who knows…missed 3 so far I think).
W: 760-800</p>

<p>Comp: 2190-2350</p>

<p>Praying to GOD for a 2300 or +!</p>

<p>Will be mildly upset with 2250ish but will still be content/happy.</p>

<p>Under 2250 = /wrist</p>

<p>M800(allowing 0 room for errors)
W700(bleh,i totally bombed…)
2180-i’ll take my friends out for free lunch if i get 2180+</p>

<p>M : 750-780
CR: 300-400
W : 500-550</p>

<p>around 1550-1750</p>



<p>M: 730
W: 670
Reading: 600</p>

<p>for a grand total of 2k</p>

<p>If I get at least a 1900 I’ll be happy.</p>

<p>CR: 750-800
M: 780-800
W: 780-800</p>

<p>Composite: 2310-2400</p>

<p>Hoping to get a second 2400 after my lucky 2400 SAT II sitting in October!</p>

<p>CR: 680-740
Math: 700-750
Writing: 780-800</p>

<p>Total: (oh god give me a 2100+ please)</p>

<p>any idea what the experimental was? i got killed on one of the CR- hope that’s the experimental one!
and woah! kudos to all those people up there! 2300s and 2400s- sounds god-like to me. me just hoping to better my 2190! :frowning:
oh- and most colleges superscore, right?
so, if my friend did it once and got a 2250, and i did it twice… got a superscored 2250- we’ll be considered the same, right?</p>

<p>Math: 800 - no doubts here
CR: probably 8 wrong and 1 omit.
Writing: 10 or 11 on essay and 6 wrong.</p>

<p>What would you guys think would be my score for CR and writing?</p>

<p>CR: 500-630 (CR was soooooo tough)
Maths: 680-760
Writing: 650-740</p>

<p>please god give me 2100… :(</p>

<p>hmm i think i got like 5 wrong otal writing 10 essay, 740</p>

<p>cr i got like 5 wrong for sure, so maybe 680</p>

<p>math i got 5 wrong for sure, maybe 660?</p>

<p>if i break a 2000 i will take my friends out to lunch.</p>

<p>god damn you ren :stuck_out_tongue:
hope you luck on your 800M</p>

<p>i got
-1 Math so (780)
-1 MC; 10-12 essay (800)
CR… no clue. just hoping to break 700 :P</p>

<p>doing 4 CR passages really drains my energy.
I would have done better with a math/writing experimental.</p>

<p>can a -1 MC w/ 10 essay be an 800? even without a super generous writing curve?</p>

<p>What would i get if I have -5 CR -4 Writing?</p>

<p>essay estimation?</p>

<p>like 780 m, 600 cr, 720 w for 2100
9-10 essay i wrote alomost on all the lines
if they didnt screw up my bubbles (i had like a lot of smears from folding my booklet)</p>

<p>if they did like 1500 lol but ill have them hand grade it since im pretty sure i got 750+ in math, if i got lower i know there was a rpobelm</p>