<p>M: 750-800 (no mistakes so far, but I'll allow for 1-2)
CR: 800 (possibly 1 mistake, almost certain I aced)
W: 770-800 (1 error, here's hoping my essay with incomplete concluding sentence gets 11-12)</p>
<p>any idea what the experimental was? i got killed on one of the CR- hope that’s the experimental one!
and woah! kudos to all those people up there! 2300s and 2400s- sounds god-like to me. me just hoping to better my 2190!
oh- and most colleges superscore, right?
so, if my friend did it once and got a 2250, and i did it twice… got a superscored 2250- we’ll be considered the same, right?</p>
<p>like 780 m, 600 cr, 720 w for 2100
9-10 essay i wrote alomost on all the lines
if they didnt screw up my bubbles (i had like a lot of smears from folding my booklet)</p>
<p>if they did like 1500 lol but ill have them hand grade it since im pretty sure i got 750+ in math, if i got lower i know there was a rpobelm</p>