<p>What did you think?</p>
<p>Not nearly as bad as it could have been for me…</p>
<p>Some questions I frankly felt were unfairly difficult, while others were a joke. Mostly I would burn through about 10 questions and then hit one or two difficult ones. I didn’t hit any I had to skip until about 58 or so. </p>
<p>Hopefully December has a better curve.</p>
<p>Some really obscure questions, but, for the most part, it was decent. Hopefully I’ll get that 750+! :D</p>
This answers a question about these two towns and one other. They were company owned.</p>
<p>^ didn’t that question ask what happened in those towns? Because I put something about labor strikes.</p>
<p>It asked what they were. The answers I remember:</p>
<p>A. Sites of conflicts between workers and owners.
B. Company owned towns where workers lived with their families.
C-E: Unlikely answers</p>
<p>B is correct.</p>
<p>Are we allowed to discuss answers? I typed up a list of questions I remember from the test</p>
<p>Weren’t those places sites of strikes and conflicts? o_o</p>
<p>^ that’s what i put. those were all places where major labor strikes took place. Haymarket Square Riot, Pullman Strike, and Homestead Strike.</p>
<p>Oh, you’re right. The two towns I remembered were company towns, but Haymarket Square is in Chicago. Darn.</p>
<p>Did not many people take US history or something? I didn’t expect this thread to be so dead. )):</p>
<p>I was anticipating a consolidated answers list.</p>
<p>Seems like there is always a Brooker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. DuBois question and often some sort of mention of the Hudson School.</p>
<p>I thought 780-800 but I studied my butt off. I remember almost every question in some form. I know I got the question wrong with the extended republic quote. Also does anyone know the last war between britain and france fighting over north american colonies where it was fought?</p>
<p>Which artist was associated with that Campbell’s soup picture? I had to skip it. :(</p>
Andy Warhol.</p>
<p>^ I had a feeling it would be that answer choice. 1 raw point… :(</p>
<p>What was the one with the picture of men marching? </p>
<p>A sign said something about taxes.</p>
<p>^ It was about sound money policy, I think. That’s all I remember lol.</p>
<p>I didnt know that one either some answer choices were coxeys march to washington 1894 and the bonus army march in the 1930s but i didnt know the answer to that one either</p>
<p>I got my facts mixed up but i think it was the march on unemployment in 1894 with coxey because he was a populist and that sounded like they were against the money loving republicans in that time</p>