December ACT 2008 Reading

<p>On the last passage, what did you get for "scientists believe the biggest risk/concern for squids is..."?</p>

<p>It was directly in passage… Do you remember the answer choices?</p>

<p>What question number was that?</p>

<p>Was it something about species or something?</p>

<p>it was the first question for the last passage. i think i put that the area they were looking for was too vast</p>

<p>The question was, “What’s the biggest challenge the scientists face in learning about the new squids.” I believe it directly stated in passage that it was nearly impossible for scientists to identify the species of the squids…</p>

<p>The answer was definately that “The habitat where the squid lives is too costly and vast to explore.” It too was stated directly in the passage, and kinda makes more sense =/</p>

<p>Meh…now that I think about it yep ur right…can -1 in R be 36?</p>

<p>What were the other answer choices to that question?</p>

<p>Yeah, the curve sometimes goes to -2 = 36 also. Pretty much as long as you finish you’re guaranteed a 36. According to the practice tests anyway…</p>

<p>Sweet, that would be awesome!</p>

<p>was scorn one of the answers you guys picked? it was the 3rd reading passage</p>

<p>Yeah. I picked scorn.</p>

<p>I put appreciation. Why would the guy praise the indian guy’s music and then insult them?</p>

<p>scorn??? i picked appreciation :(</p>

<p>I picked scorn too. You don’t appreciate shameless stealing and one upping</p>

<p>!@#~…I put alarm…-2 R.</p>

<p>The mixture of indian music showed “daring shamelessness” Not very condescending if you asked me</p>

<p>look at the context, Why would he insult the people he praised??? Scorn was a trick question for people who skimmed the passage I think…</p>

<p>yeah i’m pretty sure its appreciation</p>

<p>the whole point of the passage was praising and admiring indian/western music pioneers, etc.</p>

<p>he wouldn’t just start scorning one of them</p>

<p>Yes i put appreciation as well. He was appreciating the way they were altering and changing the music by stealing and one upping others styles of music and mixing it with their own.</p>

<p>I put appreciation. “daring shamelesness” was the ringer for me</p>