<p>Hey, I was wondering if anyone felt the critical reading was hard or not? After I left the test, I felt like I did really well, but now I know I got at least -3 and probably more wrong questions to come. Does anyone want to discuss answers?<br>
Was the reading section harder or easier than other months? What do you expect of the curve?</p>
<p>I expect a good curve. Although I think I did well, it was definitely harder than the first two that I took</p>
<p>Verrrrry easy. Will be dissapointed if I don’t get a 36, october was def harder. Although it did help that I’m indian and listen to alooot of indian music - there was an entire passage on it! AR Rahman rocks:)</p>
<p>Um, we’re talking about the SAT reading, not the ACT.</p>
<p>Lol, that was amazing Mango Man. </p>
<p>Anyway, I took the SAT I last spring and I’d say that CR section as a bit more difficult, though I really don’t remember it that well, lol.</p>
<p>However, from other people, the December CR seemed harder than other times they’ve taken it, so maybe a good curve? </p>
<p>Sorry, not totally sure!</p>