Decide between UCI, UCSB, and NYU

<p>I applied for biochem for undergrad at all three schools. NYU has given me a ~13000$ financial aid packet and UCSB has given me ~3500$ + ~7800$ from CalGrants. I havent been able to check up on UCI's financial aid packet as the website is currently overloaded. Which school should i attend as i do not want to place my parents in heavy debt yet still want to do well after college. Will going to a college that doesnt have as prestigious a name as NYU affect me after college?</p>

<p>If money is definitely a concern, stay in California. You cannot beat the price of a UC quality education!
As for Bio, UCI has a good Bio program but I don’t know how it compares to UCSBs. (Also at UCI you’d come in as a Bio major and latter have to switch to Biochem&MolecularBio I think) You might have more freedom with a Biochem major at UCSB. Anyways, I would check out both programs and locations(got to be happy to do well!) and financial aid packages and compare. You really can’t go wrong either way!</p>

<p>NYU is twice as expensive as UCSB and UCI and the FA for the UCs and NYU are approx. equal. What’s not to like about going to UC? I can’t speak to whether Irvine or Santa Barbara is better in biology.</p>