Deciding between 3 schools!

So I’m down to three schools: Lafayette College, Binghamton University, and University of Delaware (honors). I am going to major in neuroscience. Lafayette was my dream school but the only problem is that we got no money whatsoever so that makes it more than double the price of the other two schools. I don’t know if taking out student loans is worth the difference in education between Lafayette and the others. Right now I’m leaning towards binghamton, but I would like to hear some other opinions!

If all costs were equal, then SUNY-Bing, UDel-Honors, with Lafayette last.

What is your intended major. They are all wonderful schools.

@gallentjill neuroscience

Ha! I should have guessed that from the name. Sorry. Will you need to take out loans for Lafayette? Will you be looking at grad school? Have you spoken to your parents about the finances? Since all three are extremely solid schools, I would caution against taking significant loans unless Lafayette has a very unique and unusual program you can’t do elsewhere.

@gallentjill that’s ok!! Yeah I am looking at grad school and I would have to take out loans. Lafayette’s program isn’t unique but I know that the school itself is ranked higher and is more “elite” and “selective” so I’m wondering if it’s worth the loans or not

I would go to my dream school no matter what, so I did go to Lafayette.

Do you mean your federal loans (5.5k) for Lafayette or do you mean parents (PLUS or co-signed) loans?

@MYOS1634 it would be both

If Lafayette requires you to take extra loans (beside the federal loan amount, ie., 5.5K for freshman year) AND if it’s your first choice, email them. Highlight recent expenses that make it impossible for your parents to pay the amount listed (medical expenses, roof repairs, car that broke down - non elective purchases.) Ask for professional judgement about your financial aid, indicating that it’s your first choice and you’d definitely come if it were affordable.
At worst nothing will change. At best they’ll make a better offer.
If not, then I’d take UDel Honors. Nice perks (you’d bypass a lot of problems with class registration that you’d have at Bing), not overcrowded, nice college town, good academics overall.
