Deciding between colleges

<p>This is my first time posting so I'm not really sure what I should put here haha
I'm a high school junior at a competitive public school in P.A.
GPA: uw: 4.0 w:4.6
I take mostly honors classes besides electives and history (Each year I've increased the number of honors courses I'm taking).
37/753 in my class.
I haven't taken the SAT yet but I'm hoping to get a 2000 or above on it.</p>

<p>The colleges I'm looking at are U Georgia, U Maryland, Ohio State, U Delaware, U North Carolina, U Pitt, and West Virginia. If you have any information about college life and the type of people that go to the schools, or anything else really, it would be really helpful. Thank you!</p>

<p>Go to, click “Find a College” in the upper right-hand corner, and plug in these schools. You’ll find quotes from students about college life and the student body for each of them.</p>

<p>Thanks gadad definitely am looking into it, but any other responses would be nice too!</p>