Need help choosing a college...

<p>Ok guys, bear with me. I'm a white, junior in a Raleigh, NC public High school (Needham Broughton). I have around a 3.3 unweighted (3.7 weighted) GPA with a 1300 SAT (old). I think Ill get anywhere from a 2000-2100 on the new version. </p>

<p>Through three years in High School I've taken nine honors and two AP classes. Next year I plan to take three more APs with four or five honors.</p>

<p>Right now I want to go to UGA but for admittedly shallow reasons. I like the football team, my parents attended Georgia, and thats about it. Any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Also, do I have any chance of getting into UNC-Ch Hill or NCSU? Money is a little tight and in-state tuition would be nice.</p>