Deciding on a Major

Hey CC,

Asking this for a friend,

My friend has a 3.9 W GPA and a 1400 SAT, and he is hoping to get into a UC (Preferably UC I, SB, or D) for either BioSci or CogSci. Would an Undeclared major be a smarter decision in this case? What major should he pick for his primary and alternate? I’m not familiar with how majors impact admission, so I would appreciate some help on that matter.


I suppose this question could apply to any college really :stuck_out_tongue:

3.9 is a little light for the UCs you list - stellar ECs and essays could do the trick but, UCSC, UCR and UCM are much more likely. The major could have a big impact but, keep in mind, changing from undeclared to a hard science takes a little work at most campuses = pre-reqs and GPA threshold which can delay graduation. He might want to apply to a more core science like Chem or Bio then specialize, it is a much easier transition.

I’d add SDSU, CPSLO and CPP

Good luck.