Decision Date

<p>I am wondering when applicants will be receiving their letters of acceptance/rejection?
The website states that the decision date is April 1st.
Does that mean applicants will receive their letters after April 1st?</p>

<p>I will appreciate it if you would answer my questions!</p>

<p>No, for Binghamton it depends when you applied, i finished my application in mid to late December, and i already got back word of acceptance. Just wait a few more weeks, for all you know it could come by then depending on when you applied.</p>

<p>EA applicants heard a couple of weeks ago. From what I’ve heard, many were deferred (including my son) to RD which I don’t believe is rolling. I think the notification deadline is April 1, but I doubt you’d hear anything before March, but most likely sometime in March.</p>

<p>i applied dec 1st and have not heard anything. my girlfriend applied EA and heard back a few weeks ago. she was deferred to RD. she spoke with admissions counselor yesterday and was told that no RD decision letters were mailed yet. they are working hard and hope that decisions will be done before april 1, but they can only promise that we will hear by april 1.</p>

<p>OOS applicants will prob get a phone call home. unfortunately, oos kids are our biggest competition. it really sucks for ny kids.</p>