<p>decision notice by mail, email or online??</p>
<p>I am pretty sure that the decision first becomes available through email. Then they send you a letter with the exact information as the email. The reason why they do that is because otherwise some students wouldn’t get their acceptance/denial letter until later than others due to the postal services in their area. I could be wrong though…</p>
<p>my friend last year first found out results through his columbia ID online. because they came out exactly at 2 pm PST on dec 9 lol.</p>
<p>They send you an ID number and a link to the place where you can check your decision. You log in and see the letter. Then they will mail you that same letter (for acceptances, at least. Maybe not rejections).</p>
<p>That’s for RD. Not totally sure about ED.</p>
<p>all. i mean they send decision notices through all of them to everyone applying.
although email and online are the first to come followed by snail mail.</p>