Decision time LMU vs ASU vs UCR

My son got into these three colleges besides Colorado Mines & Boulder (Both of them are out because of cost factor), He is waited listed for UCSD, Cal Poly & says he will go Cal Poly if it comes back, for now, I am assuming that he is not getting any!

He is really interested in environmental engineering with an emphasis on renewable energy.
All three colleges COE comes down to under 37K (LMU 32K, ASU 32K, UCR 37K)

Here is his major choice on all three
LMU : Civil engineering (They don’t have environmental engineering, it is closest they have as per curriculum)
ASU : Mechanical engineering, Energy and environment concentration
UCR : Environmental Engineering ( With Air Pollution Control Technology or a Water Pollution Control Technology)

Can somebody list some pros & cons for the above three? We are visiting all three colleges in the next two week, appreciate any feedback on this.