Decisions available on 3/29!

<p>Hopkins</a> Insider</p>

<p>Can't wait!</p>

<p>YES! what time? for some reason my school has it blocked because it’s a blog.</p>

<p>Time not mentioned, just the date.</p>

<p>okay thanks. can someone copy and paste the article?</p>

<p>Good evening blog readers. There is just about 10 minutes left on March 22, 2011 and I am heading to bed after another very long day of committee work. The day has been noteworthy for me as it was my birthday and my colleagues and family made it a truly special day for me. Though I am exhausted after three hectic weeks of committee work, it was wonderful to celebrate with people I have been spending nearly every waking hour with lately.</p>

<p>The BIG news of the day as it pertains to many of you reading the blog right now is that Dean Latting confirmed that we will release regular decision notifications on Tuesday, March 29. That means less than one week from today. As I am now a year older I need to head to bed and get some sleep before returning to the office early tomorrow morning for another round of committee and BME selection. I will post a full update tomorrow with details on the process for releasing regular decision notifications, so please stay tuned.</p>

<p>woohoo!! BME tomorrow?! sweet!</p>

<p>[Hopkins</a> Insider](<a href=“]Hopkins”></p>

<p>emails start going out at 6- does not mean we will get them at six, it may take a while for them to get out. </p>

<p>letters come out anywhere from about 3-7 days later depending on decision and any situations out of JHUs control.</p>

<p>AdmissionsDaniel, You provide a fantastic service through the blog and by participating in CC. I think I can speak on behalf of the CC community when I thank you for everything you have contributed.</p>

<p>you can expect the email to be about 7 minutes after when the start sending them out, this was the delay time it was for deferment during ED</p>

<p>They’ll be sending out a lot more emails in the RD round. Time delays probably won’t be the same as for ED, and time delays will probably differ with each applicant.</p>

<p>All your questions are answered here:
[Hopkins</a> Insider Breaking News: RD Notification Release Explained](<a href=“]Hopkins”></p>

<p>And yes @SaintSaens is correct … with over 18,000 regular decision e-mail notifications to send (compared to ~1500 for ED), one should not expect the e-mail to arrive 7 minutes after the start.</p>

<p>This might be a bit late but I have a quick question.</p>

<p>My spring semester courses are different from the ones that I put down on the Common App due to a scheduling conflict. I didn’t know about my new schedule until after the Common App deadline for JHU so I had no way of changing it. Is that all right? :/</p>

<p>speaknow: I think at this point, it might be a little late. :wink: Wait until you get your decision back first. But if you get accepted, and ESPECIALLY if you get waitlisted, send an update of your transcript or an e-mail to admissions letting them know, especially if you’re dropping up or down in anything.</p>


Yes this is quite late and there is nothing you can do at this time because applicants had until March 15 to update their application and make any corrections. If you application remains active in the process (you are admitted or wait listed) then it is your responsibility to provide an update to your spring courses.</p>