<p>I didn't get into my top choices (Berkeley, UCLA, and UCSD) but I did get into Saint Louis University and these other schools I don't really care about so my two options are:</p>
<p>Saint Louis University or go to community college for two years and then TAG for UCSD/UC Davis and apply for UCLA or UC Berkeley?</p>
<p>Help me choose. Give me your input. Thanks so much!</p>
<p>bump … this is really sad.</p>
<p>No, it’s not sad, go to college brother</p>
<p>Post this in the college selection/college admissions forum, you’ll get more responses there :)</p>
<p>“No, it’s not sad, go to college brother”</p>
<p>LOL I’M A GIRL.</p>
<p>My input: SLU is a commuter college, which would seriously bug me.
However, community college would bug me too. Unless your community college is better than the one in my community, which it might be…
Anyway, that wasn’t helpful. Some people are okay with commuter schools. How do you feel? What do/don’t you like about SLU?</p>
<p>In that case go to the kitchen</p>
<p>ur a girl?
pics or it dint happen</p>
<p>…jk id say just go to Saint Louis Univ. did you apply to more colleges?</p>
<p>Ahah Idk what I feel about it cause I haven’t visited yet. I’m going next week. Although I’m trying to set up one of those “independent visits” and the lady keeps directing me to the website even though I’ve left them numerous messages going, “I’ve been to the website and it says that I have call this number”. Finally I sent an email. </p>
<p>There’s a community college right behind my house, but apparently it’s really easy to get A’s and it’s not that much of a challenge. That too, I’ve heard from people that are not that bright. There’s another community college that’s about a 20-30 min drive from my house which is supposed to have professors with Harvard and other Ivy league PHDs. I would most likely be going to that one because I’d honestly like more of a challenge and prepare myself for Cal/UCLA. Plus, I got A’s and B’s at a Private High School by hardly studying. If I applied myself I most likely would not be in this situation. I’m not one of those ditchers-on-test-days/copies-other-people’s-work either.</p>
<p>I applied to UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCSD, and Northwestern. UC Davis was really impacted this year cause ALOT of people applied thinking it was one of the “easier” UC’s. Too bad it surpassed UCSD in being better. Now it’s a Tier 1 UC. </p>
<p>So I got rejected from all my other schools. I got into these other crappy schools that gave me alot of money but I don’t really care about them cause they’re not even in the Top 100. </p>
<p>I made the mistake of not applying to the easy UC’s like UCSC (which has AMAZING research opportunities), UC Riverside (which has a guaranteed acceptance program into UCLA’s med school), UC Irvine, and UC Santa Barbara.</p>
<p>Well that should teach you a lesson. But you are a woman, so maybe not.</p>
<p>BTW I wanna go into the Med field or get a degree in Environmental Engineering and work my way through med school. And no, it’s not cause of the cash. Although that makes up half the reason. I really like environmental stuff and medicine has been something I’ve always been passionate about. Like everyone interviews me when it comes to medically-related articles for my school’s newspaper.</p>
<p>Downside: Alot of schools don’t have Environmental Engineering as a major cause it’s just emerging as a field. All of the UC’s have it though. UC Davis, UCSD, and UC Berkeley are more prominently known for it.</p>
<p>Have you considered applying to a school where rolling admissions are still open?</p>
<p>This is just me, but I would take a free ride at one of your safeties. You can always splurge on med school. Sorry is this wasn’t helpful.</p>
<p>My safeties that I’ve gotten full rides to are EXTREMELY white. No, I’m not racist, but where I’m from, I have a really diverse group of friends. Even my white friends don’t wanna go somewhere extremely white. Haha.</p>
<p>Ahha. My schools aren’t very diverse, so I guess we’re coming from extremely different sides of the spectrum, haha.</p>
<p>Yeah I’m really into the ratios, social atmosphere of the school/area as well as the level of academic rigor.</p>
<p>Putting being a dick aside, I think you should go to one of the full ride schools (if you have to, just choose based on location, since all of them will have biology/premed programs). If you want, try to transfer, but my sister ended up going to Pitt over Brown (well, she was rejected everywhere, like you) and other top colleges and now she is completely happy at Pitt, not even wanting to transfer.</p>
<p>By the way Pitt is rolling admissions.</p>