Decisions Out! (?)

<p>I've had a friend at Stanford tell me that Stanford usually releases its decisions a few days earlier than the announced date, and generally tries to release them the Friday before Ivy's. He says he's heard rumors from some of the kids working in the admissions office that they'll be out tomorrow hopefully in the evening, although Stanford is known for being late in sending some emails out because of the crappiness of their servers...</p>

<p>G'luck guys. And make sure your email systems don't mark Stanford as spam.</p>

<p>Are we going to get a regular mail besides email?</p>

<p>^If you’re rejected, no.</p>

<p>I got in EA, but i got the “official RD packet” today.</p>

<p>^ me too
10 char</p>

<p>does that mean we should be getting an email soon?</p>

<p>Me threeeeeeee</p>

<p>Hmm… Stanford… supposedly computer-oriented… Silicon Valley…</p>

<p>and crappy servers?</p>

<p>One more reason to be worried…</p>

<p>Less than 24 hours!</p>

<p>Every time I see this thread when I open the Stanford board, my heart leaps and skips a few beats but when I realize that decisions have still yet to be released, I die a little inside.</p>

<p>^ haha, me too, ab2013, me too. XD</p>

<p>i’m going to freak out so badly if they DON’T come out tomorrow night… haha</p>

<p>This better not be a joke…</p>

<p>Still nervous about Stanford. What are the chances of being accepted after both Duke and Berkeley rejected me? I’m betting they’re not great.</p>

<p>Ya but you’re from Hawaii, at least you’re somewhat exotic</p>

<p>man, so nervous!! i was rejected from caltech and uchicago, but got into MIT early!!! aal;jerljekr;$#8989!!!</p>

<p>why the **** did i apply for fin aid :frowning: i didnt know they were need aware for canadians.</p>

<p>^^ Somethings not right there…</p>

<p>haha good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let it be tomorrow!</p>