
<p>If I didn't find out tonight when is a decision possible. Oos(IL). Does the lack of response probably mean bad news? Also if it helps 3.95 gpa unweighted 31 act</p>

<p>There are many students who not heard yet. Just keep hoping. It does not necessarily indicate bad news. I am also waiting to hear, I am instate with a 3.86 GPA and 32 ACT.</p>

<p>The only concrete date we have is the end of January.</p>

<p>@Hereford15‌ I got waitlisted tonight! </p>

<p>Good. Congrats @acceeptmee23 I, sadly, am still waiting…</p>

<p>Do rejections come via email, or are they sent in the mail? </p>

<p>I do believe you get an email about your status and then you can check on your MY UW Portal. However, I would not know for sure because I am still waiting to hear also.</p>

<p>@baseball97, I emailed the admissions office and i got this response. “There is no special reason as to why decisions went out last night instead of any other day. Applicants that have yet to hear back have no cause for concern, as the only thing we guarantee is that first notification applicants will hear back no later than the end of January.” So do not worry that you haven’t heard! Neither have I, so you aren’t alone.</p>