
<p>anyone who has been accepted to ucla plz e-mail me at <a href=""></a>. i really want 2 know what u did 2 get in so i can work on. it is my dream school and i will do anything to get in. also can you help me on how to get recruited with tennis. thank you very much.</p>


i really want 2 know what u did 2 get in so i can work on. it is my dream school and i will do anything to get in.


<p>I turned in my application and I received an admit letter. That was it. :)</p>

<p>Hmm...take a rigorous courseload, get a high GPA, score high on standardized tests, be significantly involved in EC(s)....oh! write a killer essay. :D</p>

<p> for tennis, you will likely only get noticed through your results in USTA tournaments and your ranking. UCLA will probably do some scouting after that and maybe offer you acceptance/scholarship. Walking-on is an option I guess but....yeah. make sure you're out-of-mind good first. (you know, like


or something :p)</p>

<p>didn't you already ask this question?</p>