<p>Someone needs to tell me when the decisions are coming out!
<p>Someone needs to tell me when the decisions are coming out!
<p>For sure they’ll be out by April 1st. Rumor has it that on March 25, we all get an e-mail that links us to our decision…so hopefully by then. Can’t wait anyway…Good luck!</p>
The anxiety is killing me! =(</p>
<p>Thanks anyway!
Besta luck to you too!</p>
<p>^^^^^all the best…rumor mills are surely abuzz with 25th March as the d-day…</p>
<p>I’m excited to hear from Northwestern! Does anyone know when HPME decisions are released? (I already interviewed)</p>
<p>when’d u interview? was it oncampus? and did they like email you to ask you to come?</p>
<p>Paperstars: I believe they are done interviewing for the program. They contacted selected applicants via email to interview at the Feinberg School of Medicine (which is separate from the Evanston campus).</p>
<p>Whoa, March 25th?? Ahh… I hope it’s true. Good or bad, I NEED to know lol.</p>