Decline admission

<p>is there a way to decline the offer of admission on the mybama site?</p>

<p>I’m not sure. You could just send an email to Admissions …include name and CWID</p>

<p>Where will you be going?</p>

<p>[Contact</a> Information - Undergraduate Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“]Contact”></p>

<p>^^ No…we are like the Borg. You will be assimilated!</p>

<p>(Only kidding. :D)</p>

<p>Cioabella713: Sorry, you will not be joining our students :frowning: We wish you the Best of Luck in your future endeavors. :)</p>

<p>I went to the email account and wrote them a letter. I explained the reasons I was declining and that was pretty much it. Good luck</p>

<p>i dont think most people decline they just let the acceptance period pass without accepting.</p>

<p>Wishing you luck wherever you go. Thank you for declining though, many don’t think of it I’m sure, but it’s a nice thing to formally do and may open up something for someone else. :)</p>

<p>Alabama has rolling admissions, thus there is no need to decline admission as you aren’t holding a place that someone else can have.</p>

<p>If you have scholarship offers, you will need to decline those, however.</p>

<p>i am 90% sure i am going to vanderbilt. bama requested a bunch of forms about my NCP, even though he isn’t paying for my college, and then only offered me $2000 in subsidized loans as my full financial aid package. sort of defeated the purpose of applying there but i am happy with the outcome so it is fine.</p>

<p>i think it would be courteous to decline the schools i have ruled out; plus, then they may stop sending me emails asking me to commit ; )</p>

<p>bama requested a bunch of forms about my NCP, even though he isn’t paying for my college, and then only offered me $2000 in subsidized loans as my full financial aid package. sort of defeated the purpose of applying there but i am happy with the outcome so it is fine.</p>


<p>Weren’t you offered free tuition? Something isn’t right. What is your FAFSA EFC? </p>

<p>I’ve never heard of Bama asking for NCP info…that must be something new. However, that doesn’t change your federal aid. If you have a low EFC, you get any Pell that you’re eligible for and a $5500 student loan.</p>

<p>That said, Vandy probably is going to give you a great package if your mom’s income/assets are lowish.</p>

<p>yes, i was offered full tuition but that leaves a lot still to pay as an OOS. my EFC was 6114 and my mom’s income is $48k/yr. bama requested my parents’ divorce decree as well as other documentation. i can only assume they were using my dad’s income as listed on the decree… although, that figure is no longer correct due to the loss of his business and other factors. even if he were inclined to pay for college which he isn’t for various reasons, the newest being the fact the fact that i am 16 and he is still paying child support for me.</p>

<p>i received a scholarship and a a very impressive financial aid package from vanderbilt. i am awed and honored to have received both. thanks everyone : )</p>

<p>Al34: I declined so someone would have the chance to attend faster, it is the right thing to do. I am on a wailist in 2 schools and I am wishing someone does the same soon. Good luck to y’all!</p>

<p>Did anyone ever figure out a way to decline the offer of admission? It feels odd to just leave it out there…</p>

<p>You can email the office of admissions.</p>

If you want to decline your admissions, you log into your myBama account. Click the “Academics” header. Click Check Admission Application Status. Find your application under the desired term. Click Withdraw and Voila! You have declined.