<p>Hey, I was just wondering who else, if anyone here, applied to Deep Springs this year. And what you wrote the second essay about. I wrote about the nature of imagination and what its limits are in everyone. Basically how you cannot think of something until you have experienced it...yeah
anyone else out there?</p>
<p>bumpity bump bump</p>
<p>Who defines meaning, the creator or the viewer?</p>
<p>^ Its relative. Things come across differently to different eyes. It may mean something to the creator but completely different to the viewer. Choice is with the eyes of the beholder. </p>
<p>I couldn't complete my essays in time. I would have loved to attend DS more than anything on this earth.</p>
<p>I applied and for my second essay I did either something incredibly, ridiculously stupid and arrogant, or something clever and fresh: I wrote a poem for my second "essay"- a two page rhyming poem about how I hate text messaging and inefficient, lazy communication is going to be the end of us all. </p>
<p>We shall see how it is received.</p>
<p>Good luck to all applying to DS.</p>
<p>PS- How long/deep were your book lists? I don't know if mine were up to snuff- I had difficulty remembering the books I read last year.</p>
<p>Any other DS applicants?</p>
<p>Can we keep this discussion to the DS forum, please?</p>
<p>Why (now that the deadline has passed) Deep Springs needs more name recognition ;) !</p>
<p>Just kidding. Sort of.</p>