Deerfield Vs. Milton

<p>But go to [Matriculation</a> Statistics :: Deerfield Academy :: an independent, coeducational boarding high school](<a href=“]Matriculation”> and count, you’ll get 197 total, 41 Ivy, 3 MIT, 3 Stanford. Ivy+MIT+Stanford rate = (41+3+3)/197 = 23.85%.</p>

<p>Did I count it wrong?</p>

<p>azaz1, you did it correctly. If prepreview as I guessed was based on the 2007 matriculation data, then I am a bit surprised that it could fluctuate that much just a year later (32% vs. 24%?)</p>

<p>I can verify your Milton count too (well not exactly I got 21.85% but that’s probably just a 1 or 2 missed in the total count). Again, that’s huge gap compared with the prepreview. Hard to believe the rate can drop that much in a year.</p>

<p>I called a Milton alum she said it is because a lot more people have started going to places like Duke, Amherst, and other top universities. </p>

<p>In terms of Ivy+MIT+Stanford SPS, DFA, and Milton, and Andover (to an extent) will be ahead of the others. It is the relationship that the schools have established with each other. Of course my interviewer would tell me this (advertisement in a way) but she said that Harvard and MIT put Milton in a separate pile. I do not know the validity of that statement, though.</p>

<p>Do Harvard and MIT faculty kids go to Milton? Is that why they would be in a separate pile?</p>

<p>“In terms of Ivy+MIT+Stanford SPS, DFA, and Milton, and Andover (to an extent) will be ahead of the others.”</p>

<p>principalviola, you sound very positive about this. Are you still drawing conclusions from the prepreview data? Well you can still do that if you have a good reason, but it sounds like you are completely disregarding what we have said in the last few posts.</p>

<p>Well clearly they have dropped. But such a change would not only affect these schools, it would affect everyone else. The tables usually don’t change so quickly, I could very well be wrong.</p>

<p>I think the point is prepreview may not be as reliable as we thought. If you have the historical data (e.g. Andover’s), you can see it actually has held pretty stable for the past few years. We don’t know how prepreview got their numbers, but the pretty big gap we see discredits its reliability.</p>

<p>Well, perhaps the information isn’t that accurate and up-to-date after all. However, one thing’s for sure, a large number of graduates from both Deerfield and Milton went to top-notch universities. I think that online prep schools services may not give the exact figure, but rather a general idea.</p>

<p>Anyway, IVY league + MIT Stanford Placement is not the only criterion for a good school. We do need to take note of the academics, the faculty, the environment, the students and the activities of the schools. I have created this list that is totally based on my opinion and research which may not be true.</p>

Milton’s strength: English, Humanities, Art (Presumed weakness:Math)
Deerfield strength: Not sure but there’s an excellent state-of-the-art science centre though</p>

Milton: Suburban –> Near to Boston which is very convenient
Deerfield: Rural –> At least I won’t get distracted from my studies… (and I heard there’s STAPLES that is less than 10 min away from campus…)</p>

Milton: It seems like Milton has great Music facilities… (Jazz, Wind Ensemble, etc…)
Deerfield: SPORTS! (Varsity practice 4hours/day)</p>

<p>Quality of life
Milton: Students are very gregarious and energetic.
Deerfield: Students study ALL THE TIME!! Although I heard that the school isn’t that exam-focused, almost everyone studies while eating breakfast (I saw this with my own eyes)… which is actually a good thing as they’re good influences… just don’t mention the stress levels.</p>

<p>Please add on to my list or correct anything. Thanks =)</p>

<p>I can’t say much about milton, but here’s my experience at deerfield:</p>

<p>-very strong in english/history/foreign language (about 90% of the faculty are top-notch teachers); science and math are okay (the building isn’t as great as it is advertised; there are only few great teachers in each department); visual art/theatre/dance are very strong, but music isn’t.</p>

<p>-great relationship with the faculty; since they live in the dorms, coach sports, teach, and eat together during sit-downs, the interaction between the faculty and the students is superb.</p>

<p>-very beautiful campus, recommend if you are outdoorsy-type (skiing, hiking, kayaking etc.) because there isn’t really anything to do in town, students stay on campus on weekends, but the student activities board does a great job of providing entertainment (band, disco, dances, comedians, film festival, a cappella fest, semi-formals etc.)</p>

<p>-options are sports, theatre, dance, comm. serv., and music/art exemption. deerfield def. focuses on sports (water polo, squash, tennis, swimming&diving, lax are top-notch). </p>

<p>-97% are singles (if you request singles, you are most def. to get singles; there are only like 10 doubles (most of them in male dorms) or so and usually PGs get them)</p>

<p>-DEERFIELD STUDENTS DO NOT STUDY ALL THE TIME. Everyone studies while eating breakfast because they were unable to do their homework the night before or it’s because of last minute review before a test. Despite the study hall, lots of students procrastinate (AIM, online games, chatting with dormmates). Students party hard on weekends and no one really talks about academics. But that doesn’t mean all students are like this. There are some (esp. asians) who are hardcore (trying to get into good colleges and all). But there are going to be students like this and that wherever you go.</p>

<p>-here is the matriculation statistics for class of 2008:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
but this doesn’t tell you that much…some people decided to go to non-ivy(mit/stanford) even though they were accepted by them (few chose to go to smaller LACs; some had full-rides/great FA to state colleges); for example, the list shows only 1 matriculated to princeton, but there were 9 who were accepted to princeton and didn’t choose to go there.</p>

<p>hope this was helpful.</p>

<p>Wow!! Thank you Admission, the information is very helpful. It makes sense that students study while eating breakfast on certain mornings. Even I sometimes study while eating breakfast or whenever I reached school early on the mornings of examinations.</p>

<p>Deerfield is indeed, a very interesting school…</p>

<p>“for example, the list shows only 1 matriculated to princeton, but there were 9 who were accepted to princeton and didn’t choose to go there”</p>

<p>interesting stats. where did you get that, or is that just a hypothetical example?</p>

<p>@watertester : It’s not a hypothetical example. It’s from the Deerfield view book.</p>

<p>Great! That’s actually what I want to hear. It’s good to know students have a choice and the ones who want to go to an ivy actually have a better chance than the matriculation numbers indicate. I have Deefrield view book and never noticed that info was there. I’ll check it out.</p>

<p>deerfield is soooooooooooooo isolated</p>