deferral or rejection

<p>Since many already got pop-ups I'm gonna assume I got deferred or rejected. I'd really appreciate it if you guys would help me gague what I should expect. What would you do if you were on the adcom</p>

<p>White male from PA</p>

<p>GPA: 3.27 weighted.
SAT: 640M 610V
Rank: School doesn't do rank</p>

President, Christian Action Program
President, Teens Helping Other Teens
President, Chorus
Captian, Mock Trial Team
National Honor Society
National Society of High School Scholars
Newspaper Staff
Baseball Team</p>

<p>UM Summer Scholar Program (last summer...2 courses in Sport Management, 6 college credits)</p>

<p>I also started my on website business in 2003 ( if you're interested)</p>

<p>I plan to major in Sport Management.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, i really appreciate it. Be honest too, i know my GPA is low</p>

<p>It's hard to call. My personal feeling though is a rejection because of the low GPA and test scores. I wouldn't be too surprised though if it turns out to be a deferral because of your ECs and website business.</p>

<p>you have a better shot than me </p>

<p>public school
3.2 gpa (unweighted, my school doesnt give weighted)
1170/1600 SAT
1840/1400 SAT
26 ACTs (some of my subscores are as high as 31)
all college prep class w/ honors spanish 4, honors chemistry, AP Gov.
3 clubs i stuck with for 3 years
assistant layout editor for a fine arts magazine my junior year
my junior year i was also the athletics manager of my yearbook, this year i am the editor in chief and art director of the yearbook (award winning yearbook)
50 hours of community service (on my own, not for graduation)</p>

<p>i didnt get a pop up either :(. but i heard ED had pop ups in waves, so we probably do too.</p>

<p>Yah I didn't get a pop up either. I'm pretty sure I was rejected. </p>

<p>I had a 3.7 Weighted, Top 10%, and a 24 ACT.</p>

<p>Oh well, I was expecting it. It looks like I'm going to either Indiana University or San Diego State.</p>


<p>Did you only have one sitting for the ACT? I know that Miami superscores so if you had more than one sitting that might be in your favor. Your GPA and rank are certainly within range.</p>

<p>Are you sure about that Zoot? Very, very few schools superscore the ACT, while many superscore the SAT.</p>

<p>I spoke to admissions myself during our tour, one counselor and the head of admissions. Both told me they superscore. I also asked again when they came to Tampa and they told the entire group that they superscore. There are others that do as well, such as Boston College. Generally you have to ask though to find out.</p>

<p>I only took the ACT once, and I took the SAT twice as well, but both scores came out to be the same. I just don't have the concentration to sit though a 4 hour test.</p>

<p>Just remember--test scores are only one part of what they look at (despite what some people on CC seem to think) AND it's EA. You've still got plenty of time before all the final decisions are made. And, if I remember correctly from last year's thread, not everyone who was accepted got a pop up.</p>

<p>I just received a letter from U Miami and I was denied. Looking at my stats can any of you figure out why this would be? I received a $24k to Tulane earlier. Please help me figure out why I was denied because I am thinking about calling the university thinking it might be a mistake.</p>

<p>ACT: Composite - 34, math - 34, science - 35, reading - 35, english - 32, writing - 10
SAT II - Math IIC - 780, Biology - 690, Literature - 720</p>

<p>GPA: UW - 3.48, W - 4.23</p>

<p>I am an IB diploma candidate at one of the top public universities in florida nonetheless. I have taken 5 AP classes in addition to the necessary IB classes. </p>

<p>EC: travelled to india and conducted a study on anemia (I got to draw blood and run blood tests and helped with the indentification and treatment of anemia in schoolchildren... I am in the process of writing a paper sponsored my an MD)
summer program at duke
volunteer at hospital
treasurer of doctor club at school
various clubs (key club, hands across campus, cinematography)
debate awards
i play piano, guitar, bass guitar, and drums
i also play tennis (recreational)</p>

<p>I truly do not understand. Also, I was given an interview for their 7 year integrated ba/md program. I dont see how i got an interview and not at least an acceptance to the school</p>

<p>I am very shocked as well after reading your stats. The medical school is top tier but I don't see how you didn't make it. Sorry if this sounds offensive but the University of Miami has certain "percentages" of students of a specific race that they aim to accept. I'm guessing from your visit to India that you are Indian and all I can say is that there must have been a very large and competitive Indian pool for the medical school. I applied to Tulane too and got the 24k scholarship, and I was accepted to Miami. Got deferred from Cornell though =[.</p>

<p>Or maybe your interview did not go as well as you thought it did. </p>

<p>It is hard to tell what may have turned them off. All of the schools emphasize that they do not just look at the numbers for their admission decisions. It is too bad you didn't get in, but with your credentials you will undoubtedly find a good fit somewhere else.</p>

<p>heat: looking at your stats profile, I noticed two things that could have influenced decision:</p>

<li>Your weighted GPA is out of what? 6.0? 5.0?</li>
<li>If you are ranked in the top25% of your class, and your GPA is out of 5.0, Miami may perceive grade inflation in your school; If it's out of 6.0, it's not that competitive....In addition, 25% is not great for Miami.....The people I know who reported rank this year that were admitted EA were primarily in top 10-15% of their classes.......</li>


<p>Did you apply for the 7 year med program. If so, ITS VERY VERY VERY SELECTIVE! I think only 12 people get accepted each year. My vale. was denied last year from UM with a 5.4 HPA and 1580 SATs.</p>

<p>im sorry i must have not made myself clear in my first post.</p>

<p>i applied EA to u miami in addition to the 7 year program. i was not notified that i was accepted to INTERVIEW for the program. i have not yet done this interview. today i found out i was denied from the regular EA undergraduate school. this decision is completely independent from the ba/md program's. i was somewhat shocked that i did not get into the REGULAR 4 year undergrad. i have not yet interviewed for the 7 year program and thus do not know whether i was accepted or not. i found it strange that they accepted me for an interview and i was not accepted into the school. i hope this cleared anything up.</p>

<p>Bruins: Would they have rejected him and not offered him 2nd choice school (regular admission?)? Also, why then did they invite him for an interview?</p>

<p>rodney, that's only if he chose a second school. I remember that on my application I only applied to one school, and then I checked off the box that basically read that I only want to get accepted into my first choice school. Also, not all the people that interview get in or else everyone would be asking for interviews. BruinsJew is right tho, something might have gone wrong during the interview.</p>

<p>Maybe your'e UW GPA was too low. I'm not sure how competitive your high school was. </p>

<p>I had a 4.2 GPA W, but the valedictorian had a 5.4 GPA W and the top 10 students all had 4.8+ GPA W. Also, to be in the top ten percentile, you needed at least a 4.3 GPA W. I was in the top 15th percentile. My high school was very competitive, probably the most competitive in Palm Beach, with the exception of the IB programs at Atlantic and Suncoast.</p>

<p>I'm too lazy to look back, so sorry if I'm being redundant. What is your rank? I was like 80/500.</p>

<p>Again, (for what, the third time?)this is why my school doesn't rank. Even with my 4.0 weighted GPA, I'm only in the top 40% because my school is so competitive.</p>

<p>School may not rank, BUT they do send out a high school profile. This gives the GPA by deciles or quarters. Thus, it shows what it takes to be in the top 10%, the next 10% etc. Thus, class rank can be approximated.</p>