Deferred from Univ. Central Florida...Need questions answered!

<p>So I just found out that I have been deferred from UCF until I send in my final transcript which won't be until mid May after I graduate with my Associate's. I am currently in my last semester at a CC. I don't know what to do! I have completed all of the requirements to transfer EXCEPT taking a second math course...It isn't required for the Associate's at my school and we are encouraged to stick with the courses. Is the fact that I did't take the second math course have been what did me in? :/</p>

<p>I'm a pretty strong student and am worried because by the time I send in my final transcript it won't be until the end of May which means I have to put my faith in the Admissions Committee and HOPE that they'd accept me. I have a strong suspicion it's because of the fact I don't have that second math. Couldn't I just take it there?!</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who helps in advance</p>

<p>I have the same problem they want to see 2 maths. They jerk everyone off. Welcome to UCF </p>