deferred:should i retake the sats again for the 4th time

deferred:should i retake the sats again for the 4th time
I recently got it deferred. I know i probably got deferred b/c of my sat scores. I got 1320 sats 690 math, 630 verbal. I’ve already taken it 3 times and have got 1320,1310, and 1320 so should i even bother taking it again. Would it look bad if i took it again cuz they might interpret me as not studying for the sats and just winging it everytime. I’ve already done the 10 real sats. I’ve already checked why i got those question incorrect and redid the problems. I’ve very good in math, i’m in calc 2 multivariable, 3d calculus already so I know I can do better. On the practice tests I get anything from 1280-1580. For the verbal part for all of the tests I’ve memorized the 1000 word lists. I’ve done the sentence and analogy perfectly and I only have trouble with the critical reading. Is it worth it to take it again?

<p>What college were you deferred from ?</p>


<p>I was deferred too and wondering if I should retake.</p>

<p>upenn- i know my weak points were my sats and gpa. my gpa will increase this quarter b/c i've done really well in my classes</p>

<p>Might as well. It's three of hours of hell , but it could be beneficial to you in the long run.</p>

<p>Best of Luck,</p>


<p>Your first 3 tests were consistent in their range. You got to ask yourself if it is REALLY going to be different the 4th time. Against that compare to what else you could be doing, like pulling up mid yr grades, getting an extra rec...whatever, depending on your situations.</p>

<p>i think you should</p>

<p>the first two times i took it and i got an 1160 and a 1200 and i still wanted to go to cornell. my mom told me no way will i get in but do i really think it's going to change? i took it again and got a 1330 and i just got deferred which i think is fantastic because i've seen people in the 1400 range that have been rejected. </p>

<p>also, if you do badly you don't have to re-release your scores and if you do well and release them then they will know that you are still interested. do other stuff too, like get another recommendation or something like that.</p>

<p>good luck.</p>

<p>No. Don't take it again. Seriously, try the ACTs or something, but I strongly urge you NOT to re-take. When I talked to the Penn rep, he was like, "Two is normal, three is pushing it, four get the idea"...Plus, no offense or anything, but IF AFTER THREE consecutive times, the scores are really THAT consistent, I doubt it would raise it any more.</p>

<p>i've already sent my three scores so if my 4th test result isnt better i dont have to send it. if its better i could send it and it might look better or they think my scores are better and improved but i'm winging the tests. what do you think</p>

<p>go for it. But I have to warn you, study shows that kids' scores peak the third time around, and kinda stay flat once it hits the fourth time. </p>

<p>Good luck! Hope to see you at Penn in Sept. :) I love the school.</p>

<p>if you are deferred from a school in the ED round, can you reapply RD?</p>

<p>yes encerwalc</p>

<p>that's what deferred is, they automatically put you in the regular decision for re-consideration</p>

<p>You don't have to reapply. You are automatically looked at during regular decision rounds.</p>

<p>As far as taking it a 4th time - I wouldn't, only because the first 3 times the scores are consistent. But, hey, if you're game - go for it.</p>