
Well… what do I do now?

Don’t give up. A friend of mine got deferred and was admitted regular decision.

It’s simply a test to see if you are committed enough… if you have your heart really set on them you’d accept the regular decision pool and they’ll see that best of luck

What were your stats? I might transfer in second semster if I don’t get in fall semster

A deferral is NOT the end of the road! If possible, AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIVE IN FL, make it a point to make another visit to UM. I cannot stress this enough! Set up a meeting with your regional counselor and let him/her know that you are still interested in attending and let him/her know how you can enhance the UM community. Sell yourself and let it be known what makes you stand out from other applicants. Your counselor already has your stats. My son was deferred and was accepted soon after meeting with his counselor. If you live out of state set up a phone interview at the very least. Reach out and make things happen! Good luck!

2.83 uw gpa, 1150 SAT… Dad graduated UM, Grandfather was professor and head of Cardiothoracic surgery for many years. I’ve interned for big financial companies in NYC every summer of High School. So don’t go off of my stats… I was diagnosed with ADD in August and since then have been getting straight A’s.

Does anyone know what the deferral admission rate is?

How did you already find out that you were deferred?