EA deferred:(((

I was deferred and am so upset and I wish I would’ve done ED. Is there a good chance of admittance? Is it worth waiting?

they had 38000 applicants for 2100 spots. 5% acceptance rate, so don’t feel bad! About 10 people in my school and I got deferred. What’re your stats?

they had 38000 applicants for 2100 spots. 5% acceptance rate, so don’t feel bad! About 10 people in my school and I got deferred. What’re your stats?

acceptance rate for RD might be better then so deferred might not be horrible. Make sure you show interest.

I have a 1400 SAT my GPA is a 4.3 weighted and my school doesn’t rank or do unweighted. I have taken 8 APs I am captain for track and cross country being recognized in the state and regional level I am on the Ohio governors teen advisory board I have been nominated and gone to 2 state leadership camps.I am a National Hispanic merit scholar. I am in Nhs and French nhs. I have a job at a restaurant and volunteer. I want to do political science. I have visited and emailed my interest. I am the first in my family to go to college in the US as I am an immigrant. I had been really interested in the track program but decided d1 was too much and instead just wanted to attend the school.

I was deferred too, average SAT with good GPA. Two Varsity sports, three jobs, president of service club and serve on the board of another club. I am in NHS and my essays were solid. This sucks :frowning:

Show interest? What does that mean? UM is in my backyard and my daughter was EA deferred. My daughter applied applied EA because a financial package was/is unlikely. In any event, how many trips do you need to make to visit? How many BS emails are required to tell the Admissions Counselor “Hi… still thinking about you… are you still thinking about me?” EA is nonsense and, that is why when it came to private universities that rank better than UM, my daughter applied RD. As to state universities, my daughter has since been accepted into better ranked universities than UM. Bottom line, UM did me a favor.

Xposted to general thread…

D was deferred.
1450 SAT
3.4 WGPA
Didn’t visit (we live in MA) but attended sessions at school
Good ECs

At least it’s not a NO.
3rd deferral, but at least she has a couple of acceptances.

So does anybody know when they typically release RD decisions? Website says early April. I really hope it’s before then.

last year they were around the end of March so hopefully then. Is there a good chance if deferred tho?

anyone hear anything? still waiting on EA deferral…ugh

anyone hear anything? still waiting on EA deferral…ugh

“they had 38000 applicants for 2100 spots. 5% acceptance rate”

Miami has a 40% acceptance rate.

@sfruhling If you were deferred in EA, you won’t find out anymore until RD decisions are released.

@Greymeer well for 1 Miami does not have a 40% acceptance rate so I’m not sure where you found that number. Also, not every single person accepted attends the college. So there are 2100 spots but they might accepts around 10,000 because they are planning on other kids going to other colleges. So that puts it around 30% acceptance rate.

^ “u of miami acceptance rate”… Google


That’s for past years not this year.

If the figure for applications received in the first reply is correct, then Miami will register an ~29% acceptance rate this year.

Does anyone know what the acceptance rate is for Deferred Applicants at UM? For some schools, it’s like 2%, while others have something like a 20% acceptance rate after being deferred.