Deferred Admission

<p>Hey all I thought my hard decisions were over :|</p>

<p>I got waitlisted at UM and chose to be put on it, didnt really expect to be taken off. I got a letter in the mail the other day saying I had been accepted for the spring semester, so I would begin halfway through freshman year...</p>

<p>I have already enrolled at another college, where I know Id be happy. Anyway, UM was my first choice, I applied ED then got deferred then admitted late. I guess my biggest concern is what it would be like coming late. I DONT have to go to another college before, and have grades to transfer, but I feel like missing the first half of freshman year will put me behind everyone else...I wont be coming in with a bunch of new freshmen either lol.</p>

<p>So anyone know how easy/hard it is coming late? would I graduate later? I can always take classes at another college and transfer those credits. I REALLY wanted to go to UM, and still do, but not sure if its gonna be more trouble than its worth coming late...</p>

<p>Also, where can I find the core requirements for UM? Tried looking on the website, but couldnt find them...I wanna compare them to the ones at the college im "going" to lol. Thanks!</p>

<p>Congratulations on your acceptance to UM! I just wanted to let you know that my son's credits from college courses he took in HS need to be reviewed before they are accepted by UM. So, if you decide to do a semester someplace else and then start at UM in the Spring, I would make sure ahead of time with UM that you are taking courses that will transfer.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision!</p>

<p>The Gen Ed requirements can be found in the Bulletin.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You should also check the website of the specific school of your major.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Good luck, that's a tough choice.</p>

<p>I can't help with your decision, that's totally up to you--and what you want. It sounds from your post that you also may be hesitant to start late from a social standpoint, because there are always those who "transfer", I can tell you that like in life, friends come and friends go. Yes, you'll make your best friends in college, but not necessarily the first freshman semester. Son has made friends each and every year at Miami....some older....some younger. Some "friends" have drifted apart, finding other friends, sometimes life just gets in the way and consequences make it "difficult" to remain close friends. My son is going to graduate early and a couple of his friends are going to take longer to graduate than the 4 years. Personally, I think that as long as you are the kind of person who is a "friend," you won't have trouble making "friends," no matter when you start school.....JMHO. </p>

<p>Good luck and best wishes for a great college experience!</p>

<p>I agree that people come and go. My S made lots of friends first semester freshman year, but made his really good friends the second term. His RM and his suitemate's RM both left after the first term and 2 new guys joined them, and he is now 3000 miles from home visiting one of the new guys - a very good friend. </p>

<p>Sorority/Frat Rush happens first term, and some of his early "good" friends chose to pledge frats and he now sees very little of them. He told us he meets new people EVERY day. If you are friendly and social, you will be just fine coming in mid year.</p>

<p>the EXACT same thing just happened to me. like U.Miami has been my first choice forever and I applied ED, got deferred then got waitlisted. And today I jsut found out I was off but I've already put a deposit somewhere else. I don't know what to do!</p>

<p>Yeah peanut...I'm really torn. Did you get accepted second semester? or first? </p>

<p>I'm really not concerned about coming late and socially being left out...I tend to make friends very easily, and the school is pretty big. Id assume its gonna be harder coming mid year than in the beginning with everyone else, but whatever. Im more worried about academics, i don't want to be playing 'catch up'. Also, it is far from where I live, so everything around me will be new/different.</p>

<p>Whats your other school peanut? Mine is Providence College. Kinda different from UM, but a wicked nice school. However, I can't help thinking that UM was the school i applied ED to and now have the chance to go, even if its a bit later...</p>

<p>Spring semester also. Which makes it even harder. I don't know if I really want to start a whole semester late. Half the fun is establishing your frineds in the fall you know? Also I'm worried about catching up also cause I don't want to take courses at a community college or anything the first semester so I don't know what I'd do. My other college is Wisconsin -- I know, COMPLETELY different from Miami. But Miami has been my first choice all along so I am SO torn!</p>


<p>Stop sweating the small stuff ( I know, easy for me to say). Either take a few classes at a community college (let's face it, they are just core requirement classes anyway and will probably be easier at the CC so you come in with great grades) or plan on taking a summer session or just enter and go one more semester. In any case, you will make plenty of friends. They don't close friend making like they close admissios, there is no cut off and people will always be there to meet. If you do go to a CC, make sure to run your class choices by Miami to ensure that they will transfer and be accepted and there will be no catch up. The other advantage to going to a CC for a semester, think of the close to $20,000 you'll save for that one semester. Silver linings exist everywhere.</p>

<p>One other option for you, go to a CC near Miami and spend time on campus during the semester and make friends on campus that way.</p>

<p>CC...oh lord....</p>

<p>Peanut, isnt Wisconsin rated better than Miami anyway??? But Miami is a lot smaller and still good academics. I dont know how Providence and Miami match up...But at Providence they were all like..."we know everyone who comes here is supposed to be here because it's what God has chosen for them" Soooo maybe I'm really supposed to go there hahaha. </p>

<p>I will most likely put in the deposit for Miami, go to Providence and see when the time comes if I really wanna still go...Unless after talking with my guidance councellor and thinking some more i KNOW i wanna go to UM later, then I will go to a local college with classes that can transfer.</p>

<p>Wisconsin is rated better then Miami academically, but I have wanted to go to Miami for two years, and now I actually have the chance, which is soo hard. Also I made my college facebook for Wisconsin so I've already met so many people. I am going to talk to my counselor about it tomorrow, and maybe I'll do what you're go to Wisconsin for a semester then transfer to Miami if I don't like it. I don't know, we'll see, but its SO hard.</p>

<p>Good luck! Let me know what your decision is!</p>

<p>You really have to think carefully about what kind of college experience you want. I went to Wisconsin, and it is a great school. but it is sooooo huge it really begins to feel impersonal. Plus, so many of my classes were taught either by T.A.'s or were in huge lecture halls that I felt like I was just a bovine in the middle of a huge herd being moved around on a cattle drive.</p>

<p>Don't get me wrong, it is a great school, great school spirit, the football games in the fall make for great Saturday's, lots of people to meet. Great Engineering, Medical and a pretty good Bus. Dept. But Miami is such a different feel and type of school. And frankly, for career choices, its grad school that will really make the difference, not undergrad. Just thought I'd poit out a few things from my experiences. Plus, the Winter's can be brutal in Madison and the only beach will be under 3 feet of snow and ice for much of the Winter, LOL.</p>

<p>haha thanks for the advice. This is so incredibly hard. I just feel like its so late to be making a college decision...I wish Miami had told me earlier, and then it would be no question. I am getting a lot of mixed opinions from other people about where I want to go. Miami has been my first choice for years but I visited Wisconsin and I love that also. As a Wisconsin student, would you say you had a good experience at the school? Most people who I know that go there say they love it..</p>

<p>I agree with the school size...I dont think I could ever go to a school as big as Wisconsin...Miami was the biggest one I wanted to go to, and still has small classes. Providence is about 4000, and it feels really really personal and welcoming, and all the students there were wicked nice and dressed nice, and i actually like how its Catholic...just a warm feeling, which is the main reason why its so hard for me to decide! </p>

<p>But winters with no snow are like a gift from God...</p>

<p>I like the big schools, but I think Miami is the perfect size. And I'm not going to lie, the #1 reason I want to go there is because the weather and location are just soo nice! I mean, that is so hard to pass up! When do you have to tell them by? June 15?</p>

<p>Yes, its the 15th...I just sent in the deposit today...:P</p>

<p>ahh really? are you definitely going?</p>


<p>I had a good, not great, time at Wisconsin. It really is so big, it was somewhat impersonal. There are soooo many TA's there that you never really felt that you got to know your professors or that they in turn wanted/could get to know you. The social scene seemed to solely revolve around drinking (not much else to do in the winter, LOL) and the weather is pretty attrocious in the winter. Falls are very nice though and football Saturdays are a blast (although I think you'll find that in Miami too, LOL). It is a good school academically in many areas, so you would get a great education IF you apply yourself. In the one or two subjects I struggled in, I always felt it was hard to get the one on one help I wanted directly from the professor though.</p>

<p>If I had it to do over, I would have chosen to go to a smaller school knowing what I know now. Miami I think offers the perfect size (you could go 3-4K students over even) for social, academic, and personal enjoyment. The number of people wouldn't overwhelm you to create a wide and varied social circle, the class sizes seem to be vastly manageable across the schedule, and the professors seem to be accessable and engaged. (Of course, there will always be some exceptions)</p>

<p>Hope this helps. Your original question was if I enjoyed Wisconsin. Yes, in that I didn't have a bad time (I had a good time) but I think that there were factor I could have gotten at a different choice that would have made my college time even better. Live and learn. You have to make the decision best for you. These were my experiences, your mileage may (and probably will) vary.</p>

<p>I think ill most likely go to miami...I really really want to, and its where ive pictured myself, and been thinking of going for over a year...Im not positive yet, but I have talked to my guidance counselor, and she knows some advisor at a local university that would help me get classes that would transfer to miami. Parents still want me to go to Providence first semester, in case I have second thoughts...But its gonna be harder getting classes to transfer. I would like to just go to the local university, and hope going to miami later wont be a mistake lol :/</p>