
I got deferred from theater studies (emphasis in performance) at Emerson college. What I’ve heard is that a lot of people get deferred from their theater department and very few get accepted. I was wondering a few things:</p>

<li><p>What’s the acceptance rate out of the deferrals in the past years? is there really a chance of getting in once deferred?</p></li>
<li><p>Is there a way to find out the reason of deferral (audition vs. application)?</p></li>

<p>****3. What does everyone suggest sending in to make a deferred application look better? they offer suggestions, but what really makes an application stand out…again?</p>

<li>Does anyone know the stats of how many were rejected, accepted, and deferred?</li>

<p>I’m sorry to hear about the deferral. Don’t worry, though–I know a lot of people are in the same boat. </p>

<p>I’m most comfortable with question three. If you ask me, the two best ways to respond to a deferral are (A express interest, and (B distinguish yourself.
If you care about Emerson (and you seem to; otherwise, you wouldn’t be making this thread), write them a letter and tell them why. After that, show the admissions crew why you’re special. Did you perform in an unusual play? Do you have a talent or ability rare for Emerson applicants? </p>

<p>Hope this helps. And remember–a deferral means that you have a shot!</p>

<p>I got deferred from Emerson last year (my top and really only choice) and eventually rejected.</p>

<p>I495 is right in that by being deferred it means they wanted to consider you more, it is a lot more promising than just getting rejected, you still do have a shot.</p>

<p>I also recommend sending them a letter letting them know how you are still very interested and express your high level of interest. After I was deferred I sent them a letter along with another letter of recommendation and a copy of my school paper (of which I was editor-in-chief and had the front page article). Obviously it didn’t necessarily help me as I did get rejected but those are the kinds of things colleges are looking for.</p>