<p>ahh so we have only a few days, i assume, until we recieve the dreaded letter (or email).
When i got deferred in december, i had just had the WORST day ever at school, and i come home, open my email, and read the deferral, and find out only 10% deffered get in. </p>
<p>I then went on their site and did the calculation for 2008 (nerdy, ya i know, but desperateeee) and discovered that only meant out of the 1'100 or so deffered, 100 WOULD GET IN. 100. Thats nothinG. Anyways basically now I'm preparing myself for disappointment. After my parents and counsellor saying I should get into nearly all schools applied, I've been accepted to 2, rejected from 3, waitlisted by 1, and have Gtown plus 3 more to go, all of which im pretty sure are rejections. FML.</p>
<p>I don't know about you guys but Gtown has definitely become my dream school even more so over the last few months, and refusal certainly will be painful, considering I can't possibly see myself at my acceptances. Do you guys think you're going to get in, and were deffered unrighteously, or are prepared for a nice rejection letter saying how amazing you are, but just not amazing enough?</p>
<p>My chances are not looking so good either… I got rejected and waitlisted by schools that are ranked lower than Gtown, so it’s definitely a high reach. :(</p>
<p>Eh, I’m not too hopeful.
Georgetown was the first application I filled out, and although it definitely is my number one school overall, I’m not getting too hopeful because I know my essays and all weren’t that great.
But we’ll see what happens when it happens!</p>
<p>I applied to 6 schools and have got in to 5 - deferred from GU in December. I can’t even imagine what GU will say about me in the RD round and it was my first choice.</p>
<p>gotten into my 2nd choice, BC, early and got deferred from Gtown, my 1st choice. ive only gotten one rejection so far from UCLA (f*** 50,000 applicants). so i have some last little twig of hope but if i dont get in ill be fine.</p>
<p>I was deferred from SFS at Georgetown, but I have received likely letters from Dartmouth and Duke. It was my first choice by location, but now it has dropped to say the least lol</p>
<p>Was deferred EA as well…not TOO hopeful because the numbers are obviously against me. However I still maintain a tiny sliver of hope. Best of luck to everyone :):):)</p>
<p>I don’t expect to get in, but it would be bitter sweet. I hope I wouldn’t feel that I was their second choice and not as important to them as the others that were accepted EA. My second choice is really expensive and not giving me as much money as my parents think I should get, so I might really be unhappy on April 1st when I get a letter from GU. Best of luck to everyone!</p>
<p>i’m definitely not hopeful, but it’s not in a ‘i’m so crushed’ way. I just got rejected from two schools, one being my top choice, so I know how you feel swiss miss. Good luck to all!!!</p>
<p>Deferred SFS…yeah I did the interview on time but…I was late to th actual interview <em>_</em></p>
<p>I don’t understand…Gtown and SFS, especially, is crazy awesome but technically still not an Ivy. I got into Columbia but what if I don’t get into Georgetown? Does that mean I’m good enough for an Ivy but not Gtown? Ridiculous</p>
<p>Sorry bout BC for u guys…has anyone here also applied to American or GW? I got into both but Idk if I go there if I’ll be bitter for not getting into Gtown</p>