<p>I actually read that at a recent fundraiser (maybe it was the one she just had w/ Billy) she said the war was a mistake. So I think she's realizing that she needs to say that to a population that opposes the war.</p>
<p>The reason I initially didn't like her before I got into politics was actually that whole violent video game thing. Thought it was pretty stupid. But now I realize that's like a grain of sand in a beach worth of potential decisions and policies...and I especially like that beach if the opposing beach resembles Normandy during WW2 ;) . </p>
<p>Ugh I need to read Obama's book but I'm so busy! Maybe during vacation. He is coming to Boston really soon but that day my college is throwing a concert w/ Talib Kweli and Sugar Cult so I definitely am not gonna miss the concert. Wish I could go to c Obama...but I'm gonna have soooooooo much fun spring weekend. I find myself saying "I can't wait till Spring weekend" a good 10 times a day lol. (Also have an insane mixer [dance] the next night after the concert). It's gonna be so much fun!!!! Anyway...politics...lol</p>
<p>My democrats club is doing a fundraiser for Darfur and so far we have raised a like 400 dollars in 2 days which is pretty good for this small campus but it just makes me think of what could be achieved at a campus w/ 20,000 people. So much good could be done! I hope the club is active like that! Once the midterms were over we stopped focusing so much on politics and started focusing on world issues which I think is really cool.</p>