Demonstrating Interest in UVA

<p>With the elimination of ED, I am curious what factors are used by the Admissions Deans to view,to keep track of or to determine the level of interest a candidate for admission has in attending UVA. I read Dean J's previous posts about UVA's aversion, or its lack of need, to practice yield protection. However, I assume that the old adage still holds true for UVA, "UVA wants applicants who want UVA." Beyond the obsequious application references to "dream school", "dare I dream" and the like, how is an applicant's level of commitment to attend UVA on admission evaluated in the post ED era?</p>

<p>Any ideas on this one?</p>

<p>I think I am going to politely withdraw the inquiry I posted above. Perhaps it touched too closely on a process that is not meant to be publicized or that is otherwise proprietary. That was not my intention. Perhaps it falls into the same category as access to the secret formula for Coca Cola that has been guarded so zealously over the years. I guess defining "interest" is a little like what the Supreme Court had to say about defining pornography--they can't define it but they will now it when the see it. I trust UVa will know sincere interest when they see it.</p>

<p>John, I think the reason no one is commenting is that "interest" isn't tracked at UVa. Some schools log in every phone call, email, and visit, but we don't.</p>

<p>Dean J - thanks.</p>