<p>Hey guys so I just got wait listed at Boston College, where I thought I would really get into but ended not getting into. Anyways I have two more colleges I'm waiting to hear back from which are Georgetown and Notre Dame. In my opinion I believe Gtwn and ND are harder to get into than in to Boston College. So I guess what I am trying to say is that is there any chance of me getting into GTWN or ND, even if I got wait listed at a school that is easier to get into? Do you know of anyone who has been denied/wait listed to a school they believed was easier to get into, and then got accepted at a harder school?</p>
<p>The answer is YES.</p>
<p>There is probably a thread in just about every college’s forum on this site, where people don’t understand why they didn’t get into that school, but they got into another supposedly harder school. (Well, maybe not the HYPSM sites (grin)). So to answer your question, yeah, I’ve probably read about a couple of hundred posts where people have been denied at the easier school and accepted at the harder one.</p>
<p>What it comes down to is that there is no uniform system for ranking students. Clearly factors other than grades and SAT/ACT come into play, and different schools look for different things. Or maybe the reviewer at one school really loved your essay, while the reviewer at another school merely liked it.</p>
<p>good Luck!!</p>
<p>Finally, GW, ND and BC are all excellent schools.</p>
<p>I agree with zephyr15. Yes, you still have a chance at GW and ND!</p>
<p>I guess I’m an example of being denied at an easier school and being accepted at a harder school since I got into UCSD but was rejected from UCI. UCs are just really unpredictable though, haha.</p>
<p>Best of luck to you! :)</p>
<p>Yup, happens all the time. Just happened to my D, she was waitlisted at Marist and Providence (which were clear targets for her) and got into Boston University. Go figure.</p>
<p>In this scenario, yes. I see kids that are WL at BC who get into ND each year. Not so much GT if WL from BC, because our area tends to have the problem that just about every good Catholic student applies to both of those schools. They could fill BC and GT with them. ND not so much, so the geographical advantage comes into play for there.</p>
<p>I got denied UCLA and accepted Northwestern, and that difference is comparable to BC and Georgetown or ND. You still have a shot. I’m waiting on ND also</p>
<p>You do still have a chance but your scores will hurt your app.</p>
<p>My son got into Boston College and was waitlisted at Holy Cross, go figure so it can happen.</p>
<p>BC and HC are comparable in terms of admissions selectivity,</p>
<p>My son was accepted at Navy, Hamilton and Case Western but was waitlisted at Franklin & Marshall. It happens all the time. College admissions are weird.</p>
<p>I’ve seen the HC/BC situation a lot since I deal with a Catholic prep school where a lot of kids apply to both schools.</p>
<p>I was accepted to Georgetown and Michigan.
I was rejected from Boston College.
I was going to apply to ND but withdrew app after Michigan acceptance.</p>
<p>Statistically, CMU SCS is more selective than Caltech, yet I was wait-listed at Caltech and admitted to SCS.</p>
<p>My friends have similar stories - waitlisted at WashU and admitted at Caltech, rejected from Northwestern and admitted at MIT, etc. Admission decisions can be difficult to predict.</p>
<p>my d was waitlisted at a backup school that she was well qualified for and was a scholarship winner. Her GC called the admission office and was told that she passed the first round for admission but the dean had to make tough choices during the next round and flagged her application with - we are a backup choice and made the decision to waitlist her and if that was wrong then she would be able to pursue admission via the waitlist. My daughter wants nothing to do with them as she sees this as a rejection. My fear would be if she was accepted from the waitlist I would think that she would no longer be in running for the scholarship as they are already been given out to accepted students. Unless a scholarship winner declines and frees up money for someone on the waitlist… we are still waiting for results from some of the more competitive schools so can’t comment on that as of yet…</p>
<p>I was waitlisted at UCLA and got into Cornell U.</p>
<p>Jesuit, my daughter got into Notre Dame, UVA ( OOS) , Villanova (business), UCONN honors program. She applied and was accepted EA to all. Also applied EA to Boston College and was deferred to RD and was just wait listed there. Her grandfather attended BC so it was not out of the ordinary that she would want to attend even though she is a legacy at ND. More than qualified to get into BC. Near perfect grades, 1st in her class, tons of ec’s and leadership, summer service trips, and good SAT’s. So go figure. We have so many friends who are ND alum whose kids apply to BC and either get rejected or wait listed. They don’t want to be a back up school for ND alum’s kids. Too bad it’s BC’s loss.</p>
<p>S1 was outright rejected at Pitzer and admitted at UChicago.</p>