Departmental Scholarships

<p>Aside from the Trustee/Presidential and Deans scholarships and the others issued by the Office of Financial Aid, are there other scholarships administered by the individual schools?</p>

<p>I'm applying to Thornton for Music Industry and unfortunately I don't think I've got the test scores for a big scholarship such as Presidential, but I do have a lot of specific experience and knowledge related to my major. Is there anything that is department-specific that rewards students for talent and work experience as adversed to purely test scores and GPA (and the other criteria I'm sure they use to evaluate general scholarship candidates).</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>I do know some of the schools such as Marshall have scholarships which they give to their students. A friend attended the Marshall School of Business Scholarship Luncheon. She sent me the program. Listed there were three pages of scholarships for enrolled students in Marshall. There were different criteria. Some were for outstanding scholarship. Others were for academic leadership or service.</p>

<p>Also, search your community for local scholarships such as Kiwanis, Rotary, Elks, church/synagogue/ ethnic group, Optimist Club and others.</p>

<p>How do you apply for the marshall scholarships - or are you just selected?</p>

If you are admitted there should be information available at your orientation session regarding scholarship/financial aid assistance. At Marshall you will be assigned a professional academic advisor who should be able to answer additional questions. Here is a phone number for Marshall: 800 352 5719 .</p>

<p>Viterbi School of Engineering in their viewbook states, " Viterbi has a limited number of merit scholarships for which you will automatically be considered upon admission to the Viterbi School." Here is a phone number for Viterbi: 800 526 3347 .</p>