Depressed :(

Hello guys I’m currently in high-school right now and I am most likely going to end up with 2 Ds from AP Java and AP Calc AB on my second semester report. I want to first off say it is completely my fault that I didn’t study and try hard enough in these classes and I accept full responsibility of what will happen to my college admissions. With that said, I sent my SIR to UC Riverside right now and still waiting on a few waitlist schools such as UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz and UC Irvine and I am very scared that i am going to get my admissions rescinded because I will end up with 2 Ds. My final second semester grade will be a 2.8 GPA and will have 3 As and 2 Ds. My question is that will colleges really going to rescind me because I got 2 Ds on my last semester grade because through out my high school transcript, I’ve never received anything below a C before. Coming into senior year I have already completed most A-G courses with Econ/American Democracy and English 4 left (which I will get a A in) but AP Calc AB and AP Java we’re excess courses because I have already done 4 years of math. Does anyone who’ve been in this before or knew someone who was and they some how made it out and still got into their UC schools? Also should I contact my waitlist schools right now about my grades or wait and see if I get accepted first because what if I’m able to retake the classes right now but when I contact them later then it’s too late to do anything.

I’m not sure that last semester is as important as your overall grade in the class… how did you do earlier in the year?

Is there nothing you can do to bring those up to Cs by the end of the quarter?

call UCR and ask them what they recommend.

I got both C’s in my APs and As in my regular class last semester but this semester is looking bad

I also asked my java teacher for extra credit or anything I can do to bring my grades up but he said it was too much of a bump which he can’t do

Contact UCR directly and ask.
Here’s how the UC system words it for counselors:

Admitted students who accept a UC offer of admission and receive a grade of D or F in their last term of enrollment, should immediately contact the admissions office at the campus they plan to attend, to learn if the grade will impact the offer of admission.
Each UC campus provides provisions/conditions of the admission offer; failure to meet them makes the offer subject to cancellation.

I will for sure contact all my school to see what else i can do if im not able to get the Cs

@bjkmom @NorthernMom61
i answered your questions above.