<p>Got my letter from Tulane today finally, and I'm gutted. 20k a year scholarship without Honors. The scholarship isn't that bad because 24k and 20k isn't that huge of a difference, but no Honors really made me sad. I'm considering telling them I wont' be attending because this is just depressing. I don't know what I could have done different..I'm in-state, valedictorian, perfect 4.0 after 9th grade..31 ACT..</p>
<p>eh I dunno what the requirements for Honors and 24k is but it seems like there are tons of people on these boards that get Honors and 24k so I'm not really insecure about it..am I just dumb or what?</p>
<p>whats the difference between regulars and honors anyways? doubt its that much…</p>
<p>your GPA/rank is awesome but with your ACT score, you probably needed to have something else in your application that stood out to get into honors. i had a 34 and i think that’s what got me in. i wouldn’t worry about it too much though, considering a) you can easily get in honors your sophomore year and b) you can still live in the honors dorm if you really want to. the ONLY difference as far as i can tell is that you won’t be able to take any honors courses the first two semesters. i might even be wrong on that too</p>
<p>well i saw it was 1 semester before u can join honors. </p>
<p>i know i know it sounds stupid but its just like a huge letdown. makes me feel like i cant get in anywhere else because i wasnt good enough for honors</p>
<p>I think an interesting stat would be how many students stay in the honors program. My daughter took one or two honors classes then completely lost interest. She’s been much more concerned about scheduling the classes she needs for her major/minor/core requirements … plus does a ton of community service … and just got tired of trying to work in the honors courses. </p>
<p>She’s had a wonderful experience, has been on the Dean’s List every semester, makes time for fun … and it looks like she’s even going to be finished a semester early – bless her little heart!
I don’t think her life will be any different based on whether or not she wears an honors designation at graduation (I don’t even know if Tulane does that – just remembering my own ungrad days) or has some sort of honors designation on her diploma. And, I think many of her friends have followed the same course. </p>
<p>Ir’s a nice honor to be invited to join, and I don’t mean to take anything away from the many wonderful students who have been invited. But, it’s pretty meaningless in the overall scheme of life. Don’t let it get you down. And, if it means that much to you, I’d suggest you send updated achievements (2nd semester report card, honors and awards) to your Admissions Counselor and ask them to reconsider. Let them know how important it is to you – perhaps they’ll reconsider. Clearly, they hope you’ll attend. They wouldn’t have given you the scholarship they did if they didn’t want you. And, I’m sure you’ll have lots more wonderful acceptances in the months to come.</p>
<p>jersey44, if your D wants to graduate with Honors (summa/magna cum laude) then she needs to finish the Honors curriculum (not hard, only four classes plus thesis). Even if she graduates with a 4.0, she’d only graduate cum laude at best if she doesn’t continue .</p>
<p>The benefits of the honors program would come in the junior and senior year when you can “ask for your own classes” based on your interests and major.</p>
<p>And though you’re pretty much in, after a smester you’re only “eligible” to take Honors classes. Consider it probationary (i.e. if you don’t Dean’s List the second semester, or fall below the retention GPA of 3.4, you’re not formally invited in just yet).</p>
<p>Thanks for the info Trojan – I’ve asked her about it and she truly doesn’t care. She’s doing what basically amounts to a double major and a minor, so she doesn’t have a lot of room for non-essential classes at this point. Yes, she could complete the extra honors classes in an eighth semester, but she would prefer to finish early (she plans on staying in Nola and working for at least a few years, so she’s not looking at it like she’s losing her last semester with her friends). I couldn’t be more proud of her accomplishments thus far, so if it doesn’t matter to her, it doesn’t matter to me. (And, I’m thrilled with the $ savings on that last semester – despite her generous scholarship, it’s still a lot of money – think half of a new car!). </p>
<p>Again, I don’t want to take anything away from those who are invited and complete the program. I just wanted to let fromthesouth know that it’s not necessarily a big deal to some students once they delve into their individual programs and priorities. She too felt honored to be invited, but lost interest pretty early on.</p>
<p>Yeah, I was surprised that Tulane’s cap for a courseload is 25, so you could complete a degree in 3 years, even without APs.</p>
<p>im definitely gonna go for honors if i still go. i need to graduate with cum laude or higher</p>