Desperate even after shedding tears...

<p><edit: hyper="" removes="" obsessive="" complaints="" and="" drama="" filled="" sentimental="" accounts=""></edit:></p>

<p>Okay I was temporarily insane-i really do have a tendency to lose that sanity :) But are some tests from CB online course much harder than the real one?? Cause I am getting 580 CR on those tests that is much worse than what I usu. get??? that drop from a 660 to 580 REALLY hurts!!
Anyone know??</p>

<p>Oh, shut up</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, your scores aren't bad at all. 600s - low 700s, right? Look at the percentiles before you complain.</p>

<p><insane remarks="" removed=""></insane></p>

<p>can someone plz answer my question in the original post?</p>

<p>(1) Calm down.
(2) Practice tests are usually harder than the real thing...either that, or people are just naturally more alert on test day...</p>

<p>Who cares, man? You're gonna walk into the June test and you're going to take it - regardless of whether or not it is harder than the practice tests. If it isn't, good - you'll ace it 'cause you're used to harder tests. If it is, you'll have had more practice than most other people in your test center. Chill, it'll work out all right. It's just a test</p>