desperate help at chances of {Babson/Lehigh/Rutgers/TCNJ/GW/Maryland}

<p>thasnks dunkaroo...hmm collegewannabe//.honestly never herd of him</p>

<p>He was also under the name Hollaratme on this very forum. This should make it a little clearer for you: </p>

<p>We all post stats on the PRstats thing. Here take a look at his.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.*************2009/display.php?user=Hollaratme_S%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.*************2009/display.php?user=Hollaratme_S&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>him and ENarang were such weirdos. Scuba and I used to have conversations with those two obssesive cases. They just didn't stop asking what their chances were. It was ridiculous. It got to the point where I just stopped arguing with them.</p>

<p>Scuba if you are still here hollarback and turn into a party animal at Lehigh!!!! hahaha</p>

<p>Lehigh's Business School has ranked 18th for I think 2 consecutive years on Business Week. Which is up there with Michigan, Stern - NYC, MIT and the others...Lehigh is the highest ranked of your choices and will be more of a stretch than the rest. However, in the same have a, you'll be fine...I'd look at some Ivies or something...</p>