Desperate In Need Of Schedule Help!! Pls Help me!! Thanksssss!!!!

<p>How's it going?</p>

<p>Currently I am a Junior, but need help signing up for classes next year (Sr. Yr.).</p>

<p>Here is my transcript.</p>

<p>Geometry & Algebra in Middle School.</p>

<p>Grade 9 Summer
Computers - A</p>

<p>Grade 9 Fall
English H - B
Advanced Algebra - B
Architecture - A
Biology - B
Basketball - A
Spanish Year 1 - A</p>

<p>Grade 9 Spring
Englsih H - B
Advanced Algebra - A
Architecture - A
Biology - B
Spanish Year 1 - A
Tennis - A</p>

<p>Grade 10 Fall
English H - B
Health - A
Pre-Calculus - C
Physics H - B
Spanish Year 2 H - B
World History H - B</p>

<p>Grade 10 Spring
English H - B
Pre-Calculus - C
Physics H - B
Spanish Year 2 H - C
Tennis Boys - A
World History H - A</p>

<p>Grade 11 Fall
English H - A
AP Chemistry - B
Graphic Design - A
Statistics - B
U.S. History - A
Business Elective - A</p>

<p>For 2nd semester so far I'm doing roughly the same. Maybe a tad bit worse.</p>

<p>Academic GPA Non-Weighted: 3.32
Academic 10-12 GPA Non-Weighted: 3.18 ( :( )
Honors Semesters: 11 ( :) )
AP Semesters: 1 ( :( )</p>

<p>So, what classes should I take Senior year?</p>

<p>Math wise, my only option is AP Calculus, which is really hard at my school, and after getting Cs sophomore year in Pre-Calc, it would probably be hard for me. Or I could retake Pre-Calc, but that would kind of suck, or something at a local community college?</p>

<p>The Spanish year 3 teacher is really bad and hard, and after struggling in year 2, I decided to only do the 2 years required, rather than the 3 years recommended by colleges. Should I maybe try year 3 even though it's really hard and I don't enjoy it?</p>

<p>I plan to take normal English. Maybe AP Lit. I could even do AP Lang.</p>

<p>History wise, I plan to do both AP Economics, and AP Government. Both are year long classes. (2 APs to make up for lack of Spanish and Math Sr. Year, Or should I take either math or Spanish??)</p>

<p>Science wise I plan to take AP Environmental Science.</p>

<p>I have a good elective too, and a sport.</p>

<p>So that would make:</p>

<p>AP Environmental Science
AP Economics
AP Government
English Normal
Business Elective
Study Hall

<p>Is that fine?</p>

<p>All three of those APs I can handle, they are the easier APs for Sr. Year. Plus, it's a substantial jump from only taking 1 AP Jr. Year.</p>

<p>As you can see my GPA isn't that great. I did better Jr. Year, but that's because my course rigor wasn't that hard Jr. Year.</p>

<p>I plan to apply to colleges like: UCSB, UCSC, UCD, Cal Poly Slo, Long Beach State, UMiami, Pepperdine, ASU, Santa Clara, Chapman, U San Diego, etc..</p>

<p>So remember I'm not like most kids on the forum applying to super competitive schools, I'm your more average smart kid, not super wizz...</p>

<p>Is my schedule fine?? Or should I change something? Help me out!! Is it fine to have only taken 3 years of math in H.S. Does algebra and geometry in middle school actually make it 5 years?? How much will not taking a third year of foreign language hurt me?? Please help? How's my schedule??</p>

<p>More background is:</p>

<p>PSAT = 176 without prep. Hopefully with prep I can get SAT around 2000, maybe 1900s.</p>

<p>Rather good ECs.</p>

<p>Over the summer I plan to take a course at community college like psychology.</p>

<p>My H.S. is public and ranked about 50th in CA. So pretty good!</p>

<p>I plan to major in business.</p>

<p>I gave you a lot of information. haha Anything else you need? I would love some help, advice, and recommendations!! Thanks!!</p>

<p>Can I get a B? B. Can I get a U. U. Can I get a M. M. Can I get a P? P. </p>


<p>Is the AP Calc teacher the same as your pre-calc teacher? If no, then go for AP Calc. Different teachers make a different experience.</p>

<p>Well, the Calc teacher is considered really hard. I’ve kind of lost the background too. The people who got Bs in Pre-Calc are struggling in Calc. I got a C, and I took it a year ago, so I’m not sure…</p>

<p>Math: I’d recommend taking some sort of transitions to calculus class at your local community college. At my school if you don’t have a B average or better in precalc or advanced algebra/trigonometry, you’re not qualified for calc, and I think that’s a pretty good rule. By the way, if algebra and geometry are on your transcript, they count. (P.S. I know what you mean about losing a lot of background in math - it sucks.)</p>

<p>English: I have to say, definitely go with an AP English for senior year. Since you’re planning on going into business, I’d suggest AP Lang, since communication will be important. Plus, the AP Lang test isn’t that hard at all - it’s mostly using your common sense and formulating solid arguments.</p>

<p>Spanish: Maybe instead of taking Honors Spanish III you could take regular? Three years of a language will really look better, and it will be more useful to you in the future, especially since you’re into business. </p>

<p>Other than that, your schedule seems fine.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks!! I think I will do what you suggest about math.</p>

<p>Well, AP Lang would be nice, except I would be be with a bunch of juniors… Also with 3 APs, I think adding one more would be way to hard for me. Remember, I’m just like a 3.3 student…</p>

<p>I can always take writing classes in college right?</p>

<p>My friend who got a C in Spanish year 2 honors got a C in Spanish 3 regular this year. I was debating between taking normal or not taking it at all, not honors. Would it really look that much better?</p>

<p>Anyways, thanks for responding, that helped a lot. Anymore feedback??</p>

<p>any other advice??</p>

<p>bump uouoi0870</p>

<p>I would take the 3rd year of Spanish…
As for math, you could do the intro at a community and move to AP calc…
Or retake Pre-Calc… I’m pushing towards retaking pre-calc, An intro to calc is nice but you need to do well in PreCal to understand parts of Calculus</p>

<p>AP English would be a smart idea! I think that you can definitely pull it off!</p>

<p>alright, im thinkn i might take spanish in place of studyhall. but then my schedule would be so hard!!! and i kind of want to relax sr. year. hahaha</p>

<p>but math i am still not sure. adding ap calc would be like impossible for me hahaha. i am a 3.3 student!!! not a super nerd like everyone else here. would retaking a semester of pre-calc at community college be good or something??</p>
