Determining professor for class sections

Is there a way to see the professor teaching each section. When my DD pulls up class listings on Degree Works it only shows the slots available and times. Thanks

Instead of going into Degree Works, on the main screen of Bama if she wants to see instructors for courses she has already registered for choose view detailed schedule (at the bottom of that screen is also where you can see what books are recommended/required).

If she wants to see instructors for other sections, choose Look up Classes - not all courses will list instructors, but most should this close to classes beginning.

Thanks, she registers Thursday. The Look Up Classes feature is that the one in Degree Works?

You can go to ‘Look up Classes’ on the front page of MyBama in the box on the right side of the page


In general, use degree works more for planning the future coursework. Use your mybama account pages for managing your current situations.

And beware professors change! DS had that happen freshman year!